He Finds Out Your Pregnant - Grayson

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You crossed another day off of your calendar in amusement. Your period was supposed to begin a couple of days ago and it had yet to start. You and Grayson had been trying for a baby for a while now, but there was no hope until now.

You decided to run to the store really quick to grab a pregnancy test to see if your theory was correct.

You arrived to the store within a few minutes and hurried in. You looked around half of the store for the test but you couldn't find any, so you went up to a lady who worked there.

"Excuse me ma'am, could you tell me where the pregnancy tests are?"

The lady barely glanced your way before pointing over towards the back of the store. You thanked her and went over there to indeed find them. You grabbed one and quickly went over to checkout.

Once you got back home, you tore open the box and went in the bathroom. You peed on the stick and then set it on the counter waiting for the results.

This is it. Maybe me and Gray will finally be parents!

After the couple of minutes were over, you slowly walked up to the counter to see what it read. The test showed a plus sign on it. You gasped and started jumping around in joy. You couldn't wait to tell Gray, who at the time was at a photo shoot with Ethan. You had an idea, a special way to tell him, and started working on it right away. You couldn't wait for Grayson to get home.


Gray got home a couple hours later. You immediately ran to the door, hugging him.

"Hey babe, I missed you today," he said to you.

"I missed you too!" You pecked his lips.

You two made your way into the kitchen. Gray gasped and ran over to the counter. You had ordered both of your favorites, Chinese food, for you both to share. He cheered as he grabbed plates and began plopping food onto them. You two sat down on the couch watching tv, when suddenly Grayson threw something at you. You looked down to see that he threw a fortune cookie. You and him always did this thing, where you opened yours at the same time and read them aloud to eachother, you guys somehow thought that it would bring good luck to you.

You unwrapped the plastic to the cookie as Grayson did and counted.

"One, two, three!"

You both opened yours and unfolded the paper with the writing on it.

"You go first," Grayson said.

"Mine says look around, happiness is trying to catch you."

Grayson nodded. "Mine says, something great is coming your way."

What a coincidence!

"I think I know what that great thing is," you said walking to retrieve a bag off of the floor.

"What?" Grayson asked, clearly confused.

You hanged him the bag, not saying anything.

"What is this?" He asked investigating the Walmart bag.

"Early birthday present, just open it," you giggled.

He opened the bag, and pulled out the shirt you had gotten him. He unfolded it and held it up, reading it. A second later, his eyes got wide and he dropped the shirt to the floor in shock. The shirt read, "Congrats! You are going to be a dad."

Before he could say anything, you handed him the other part of the 'present.' It was the pregnancy test with the positive sign on it. In sharpie on the side you wrote, "Looks like we're  gonna be parents! Expect our little one in April."

Grayson let out a shaky breath and stood up coming over to you. "Y/n," tears filled his eyes. "We're gonna be parents. We're gonna have a family!"  He was in complete shock as he spoke. You nodded at him and smiled, tears rolling down your cheeks as well. Being with him had made it seem all the more real. In your stomach, you held your soon to be baby boy or baby girl. You couldn't wait to start this adventure with Grayson, the adventure of starting a family.

Y/N: I hope this one was good! I am actually really proud of this one so I hope you liked it!

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