Halloween - Grayson

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"Grayson come out of there!" You yelled to him. You and him were at Party City picking out your Halloween costumes since that day was  in fact Halloween. He wasn't coming out of the dressing room, because he was embarrassed by how his outfit looked on him.

"No! I look ridiculous," he said back in a pouty voice. You rolled your eyes, he was such a baby.

"Please Gray," you begged. "I don't look any better than you do." You heard him mumble a 'fine' before he opened the curtain and stepped out. He was wearing a ninja turtle costume with a big shell on his back. He even had on the red face mask. You giggled as you realized how miserable he looked.

"Babe you look fine, look at me," you spun around showing off your outfit. You were wearing the same thing as him, except you had on a blue face mask however the costume was big on you, so it sagged down in an awkward way. You and him were going trick or treating with Ethan and their friend Alex, who were also dressing up as ninja turtles.

Grayson laughed when he realized that your costume was double the size as you were.

"Alright," he giggled. "I'll buy them this time, but next year I'm picking out the costumes." You nodded your head, agreeing with him and then made your way out to his truck after he purchased the costumes.

Once you got home, you found Ethan and Alex in their ninja turtle outfits, playing call of duty on the Xbox.

"Dude you just shot me!" Alex yelled over at Ethan.

"Did not!" Ethan screamed back. They were literally going back and forth like children.

"Guys!" Grayson yelled, grabbing their attention.

"Oh hey guys," Alex waved. He tossed his controller onto the couch and walked over to us. "Are y'all ready to go?"

You and Grayson nodded as Ethan came over with four buckets. "For the candy," he stated as he handed them out to all of you.

"Now," he said and slowly opened the door with a grin on his face. "Let's go!" He yelled as him and Alex went charging down the street to the first house. Grayson cackled.

"Those idiots," he sighed in amusement. You agreed with him and caught up to them. The trip around the neighborhood was eventful, Alex and Ethan had been lectured by an old man because they took a full handful of candy instead of one piece, they were also yelled at for visiting the same houses multiple times to get more candy. After about 30 houses, you and Grayson decided to head back to your house. You had a hard time keeping up with the other two boys as they were making their ways quickly around the neighborhood.

"We're heading back to hand out candy," you called out to the boys. They nodded, not really paying much mind to your statement, before moving your way back to your house.

Once you got inside, you deciphered what to do now that the two of you were alone. A thought popped into your mind.

"I have an idea," you grinned. You took Grayson's hand and dragged him over to the couch where you plopped down onto. You grabbed the remote and switched on the tv, turning to Disney channel. They were having their Halloween movie marathon on, and currently your favorite Halloween movie, 'Halloween Town' was on.

"Ugh not this crap," Grayson complained. You smacked his arm playfully. "It's not crap, it's actually a good movie."

"I'll be the judge of that," he said and put his arm around you.

The rest of the night went by rather quickly, you and Grayson ended up watching all four of the Halloween Town movies, which he had insisted upon after the first one ended. Ethan and Alex had gotten back while you were watching the second movie, and joined in on the marathon.

After the fourth movie, you flicked off the tv and realized that you and Grayson were the only ones awake, however you were starting to get really tired. You started to drift off to sleep when you heard Grayson speak quietly to you.

"I love you babe, Happy Halloween," he said and kissed you, then covered both of you with the blanket.

A/N: little short story since Halloween was yesterday!

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