He Helps You Babysit - Grayson

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"Thank you so much for agreeing to watch Tommy tonight," your neighbor said as she handed you her baby son.

"Your welcome Mrs Johnson, anytime!"

You locked the door behind her as she left and made your way back into the living room. You held Tommy in your arms. He was currently sleeping peacefully.

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. Mrs Johnson must've forgotten something. You laid the baby down before going over to the door. You opened it to see your boyfriend Grayson standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey babe! Are you ready for our date night?" He asked.


You put your hands over your face in frustration. You had totally forgotten that you and Gray were supposed to go out tonight.

"Shit Gray, I totally forgot! I'm babysitting tonight."

He shrugged. "No big deal, I can help you. We can just go out another night." You stepped aside to let him inside your house before giving him a really big hug.

"Thank you Gray, but are you sure you want to?"

He nodded. "Of course. Besides, how hard can it be to take care of a kid?"

Surely he was about to find out.

You and Gray walked back over to where Tommy was still peacefully sleeping on the couch.

"Awe how cute," Gray cooed. He went over and stroked the baby's face gently. Tommy squirmed around a little bit.

"Gray, don't wake him up," you giggled.

"I'm not," he rolled his eyes playfully. He stood back up next to you. "What do you wanna do?"

"Tv?" I suggested.

"Yeah sure," he went over to grab the remote control and then plopped down next to you. He slung his arm around your shoulder as he turned it on. You two watched a few criminal minds. Suddenly, Tommy started to cry. You were about to stand up before Grayson stopped you.

"No, let me do this," he playfully winked and headed over to the crying baby. He picked Tommy up and shushed him.

"Shhhh, it's okay," he said. He rocked the baby back and forth in his arms, but the cries were only getting louder.

"Here," you opened your arms as he handed you the baby. You held Tommy comfortingly in your arms and hummed him a little song which made him stop crying. Grayson huffed in frustration.

"Show off," he mumbled. You laughed.

"Here, help me change his diaper," you said. You went over to the bag with Tommys things in it on the floor, and opened it getting out the supplies you needed. You laid Tommy down onto the blanket on the floor. Grayson squatted next to you. You motioned forward to the baby, letting him know to start. He pulled down the babies diaper, to find that Tommy had left him a little present.

"Great," he put his hand over his nose and began wiping Tommy down. As soon has he was about to strap the clean diaper on the baby, Tommy began to pee.

"Shit!" Gray yelled. He threw a towel over top of the babies bottom half. "Why must this happen to me?" You busted out laughing. He began to clean Tommy up once again.

After a while of playing with Tommy on the floor, you took Tommy over to the table to get fed. "Let me try this," Grayson insisted. You handed him the bottle and he began feeding the baby.

"See I got this," he smiled to himself. You nodded approvingly at him. He ended up feeding about half of the bottle to Tommy before Tommy didn't want anymore.

He handed the baby back to you so you could burp him. After you did, Tommy began to fall asleep again.

You and Grayson ended up watching tv once again, even though it had only been a few hours of watching the baby, you both were exhausted.

"I take that back," said Gray.


"Saying that taking care of kids is easy," he grunted. "I'm tired as shit."

"You did great though," you turned around to kiss him. "Your going to be a great dad."

A/N: hope that was alright! And a special thanks for almost 600 reads! That's amazing :)

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