Play Fighting (Both)

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"Can y'all stop already?! I'm trying to watch this movie!" You yell at your two best friends Ethan and Grayson as they wrestle each other on the floor. They've been non-stop shouting and rolling around for the past 10 minutes and you've finally had enough. They however seem to ignore your outburst and keep on wrestling.

"Children," you mutter and grab a pillow from next to you on the couch, chucking it over at them. You miss entirely and end up accidently hitting your dog which makes it squeal and run out of the room. "UGH!" 

You pause your movie and climb off of the couch. You throw yourself down on the floor, attempting to separate the two. 

"AYEEE!" They cheer. "Someone finally decided to join the fun," Ethan smirks. You slap the back of his neck causing him to laugh. 

"Can you guys please stop?! I'm trying to watch TV," you beg. They both look at each other.

"Hmmm... How about no?" Grayson answers and pushes you down on the floor and lays on top of you. Ethan then lays on top of him causing you to groan in annoyance.

"You guys do realize that you are 90 percent muscle and over six feet tall which means that you are not at all light, so would you do me the favor of getting off of me so that I can breathe?" You yell as you struggle for breath.

Ethan climbs off and so does Grayson, they are giggling as they watch you recover yourself. You look over to your side and see the pillow that you had thrown earlier. You grab it and smack Grayson alongside the head, then smack Ethan. The next thing you know you were in the air in Ethan's arms as he ran around the house with you dangling upside down.

"PUT ME DOWN!" You bang on his shoulders. You then hear the back door slide open, and you then realize what they are doing. 

"Grab onto her arms!" Ethan yells and then you feel Gray grab your hands.


"No! No! You better not-"

Suddenly you are submerged under water. You hear two other splashes as the boys jump into the pool. As you come to the surface you can't help but laugh along with them.

"You guys are so dead," you sneer.

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