How You Meet (Gray)

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Y/n Pov

You were working your shift in Starbucks one Friday morning. It was a cloudy day, rain falling lightly from the sky. There was barely anyone in the store, everyone was either at school or at work. There was only you and one other person on the shift, however he was in the back counting the inventory from the week, so you were in the front by yourself.

Currently, you were watching random YouTube videos, trying to pass the time quickly. You were in the middle of watching a makeup tutorial, when suddenly the bell on the door rang, signifying someone was coming in.

You looked up from behind the counter, and instantly your pulse begins to rapidly pick up. In front of you, stood the most amazing looking boy you had ever seen. He was wearing a black beanie, with an adidas hoodie and ripped jeans. He looked like someone from straight out of a modeling magazine.

He locked eyes with you and a friendly grin appeared on his face to which you returned instantly. As he made his way up to the counter, you took notice the the closer he got, the more attractive he looked. When he was right in front of you, you realized how tall he is, you were slightly intimidated because he seemed to tower over you.

You cleared your throat and spoke.


"Morning," He says cheerfully.

"What can I get you today?" You said with a smile as you got the cash register ready to take the order.

"Hmmm," He looks up at the menu and scratches his head in thought. "I can't decide weather I want a double chocolaty chip, or a Carmel frappè. What are your thoughts?" He looks back down at you, a look of interest clear in his eyes.

"Well, personally I'm a chocolate type of girl," You grin to which he returns.

"Well I guess I'll take that then."

"Coming right up!" You grab a cup from the counter next to you. "Name?" You ask as you grab a sharpie. Honestly, you didn't have to write his name on the cup since he was the only person in line, but you really wanted to know what this gorgeous boys' name was.

"Grayson." He answered as he adjusted the beanie on his head. You write the name on the cup and begin making the drink.

"You really do look like a Grayson," you giggle and look up at him to see him blushing. He looks down at your name tag.

"You look like a y/n," he says back to you and laughs. The sound of it made your heart rate speed up.

"I haven't seen you around before. Are you new around here?" You ask as you apply the whipped cream to the top of the drink.

"Yeah, actually me and my brother just moved from New Jersey. We just wanted a change."

"You have a brother? How old is he?"

"Same age as me, we're twins. Your eyes widen slightly.  That's a good looking set of twins.

"Wow, that's really cool," you state as you hand over his drink. He instantly puts a straw in and takes a sip, then groans.

"Mmmmm," he closes his eyes. "They make them better here than they do in Jersey." He says as he takes another sip. "Thank you, I️ guess I'll see you around then." He smiles at you.

"Definitely!" You reply as he begins walking away.

As he gets to the door, he looks back over his shoulder and smirks, before leaving.

That was just the beginning of your relationship.

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