After The Break Up (Ethan)

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Ethan's Pov

I let her go. I let her walk away from me when I shouldn't have, and now she's gone. That stupid fight. It was all my fault. I should've just kept my mouth shut and pulled her into me that night instead off pushing her away and making a big deal out of nothing. I told her that I wanted to end it, end us and that she should leave. She gave me that look, and told me that I didn't really mean it. She tried to fight back, to fight for our love. She believed in it more than anything else. I failed her.

"Why've you been acting like this lately? You have been pushing me away this whole week! And since when do you drink?" She snapped and motioned to the open beer bottles on the counter. The past two weeks she had been cleaning up after me as I destroyed our apartment.

I couldn't tell her about what was going on, not yet. She wouldn't understand.

I shrugged and kept drinking the bottle I had in my hand. She sighed.

"Ethan please tell me what the hell is going on with you? Why are you so distant, I'm just trying to help you!" Her eyes were tearing up.

"I don't love you anymore."

That's what I said to her. Instantly I regretted the words I said, and my heart shattered just looking at the expression on her face. I wished so bad to take it back, but instead an emotionless expression remained on my face.

"You are just saying that because your hurt and angry," her voice broke. Of course that was why I said it. I could never stop loving y/n. Ever.

"Your wrong." I mumbled and finished the beer bottle that was in my hand. "I found someone else," I lied. "That's why I've been distant."

Why was drunk me suck a dick?

I turned my back towards her. I couldn't look her in the eyes after what I'd said. The whimpers that came from her made me realize she had believed my hurtful words.

Immediately her feet padded to our room and I heard drawers opening and shutting. She was really leaving. I stood in place not moving. I knew if I went in there it would only make things worse. I had to let her cool down for the night, and let myself calm down before I tried to apologize.

It wasn't until she had packed up her bag of things and left, slamming the door shut behind me her that the loneliness kicked in. This would be my first night alone since she had moved in months ago, and I didn't know how I was going to take it.

After a while, I grabbed another beer and made my way to the bedroom. My heart dropped instantly.

All of the drawers in the dresser were open and all of her clothes were gone. Her shoes, even her makeup. There wasn't a trace of her left, it was almost if she had never even been here.

Laying on the bed was the ring I had given to her. The previous year. It was a promise ring that I'd given her when I realized she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She hadn't taken it off since, until that night.

"Fuck!" I yelled and threw the beer bottle to the ground, causing the glass to break everywhere.

I stumbled over to the phone and dialed her number quickly, waiting for her to pick up desperately. But the line didn't even ring.

I'd ruined everything.

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