School Bus Rides - Ethan

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You sat on the bus patiently in the very back, waiting for his bus stop to come. Ethan Dolan was his name. Him and his twin brother, Grayson rode your bus to school everyday. You had a giant crush on Ethan, and though you hadn't never talked to him before, you enjoyed the view of him. Your stomach was filled with butterflies as you neared his stop. You had no idea why you got so nervous every time you neared it, but you did.

The bus doors opened and a handful of kids entered the bus, you saw Ethan towards the back of the line of people boarding, but you didn't see Grayson. That's weird, they always ride together.

Ethan and Grayson normally sat in the seat in front of you, but today that seat was filled with a couple of freshmen girls. As Ethan got to the back of the bus he sighed, and looked around for a seat before noticing that you had no one next to you. He began walking closer to you before stopping. Your heart was beating so freaking fast and you had to take deep breaths to calm it.

"Is someone sitting here?" He asked as he motioned to the spot next to you. You shook your head, smiled and answered.

"No." You moved your bag over so that he could take the seat next to you. He sat down and put his bag under his feet.

"Thanks," he grinned.

"Your welcome," you said kindly. You didn't want to annoy him by talking to much, (you had a habit of doing that) so you put your headphones in your ears and began playing your Spotify playlist. No more than a minute later, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to face Ethan who was staring at you.

Realization came across your features. "I'm sorry, is my music to loud?" You normally sat alone so you had always put it on full blasts, knowing that it wouldn't bother anyone else around you.

"No, no. Not at all, I actually was wondering if maybe we could share headphones? My brother normally brings some for us to share and he's not here and I forgot to bring mine."

Holy crap he wants to share headphones with you.

"Oh sure!" You handed him your left headphone and he thanked you before putting it in. His face immediately turned into a frown.

"One Direction. Really?" He said in a jokingly tone.

"Of course, they are like one of the best bands ever!" I stated a matter of factly. Ethan rolled his eyes jokingly.

"I'm not even gonna say anything," he answered while chuckling. You and him sat there for a few minutes, listening to the music that was playing. Even though Ethan wouldn't admit it, you knew that he liked some of the songs that were being played since he bobbed his head to the beat. You were still wondering where Grayson was though.

"Just out of curiosity, where's your brother?" You asked.

"He's sick," Ethan started. "He was puking through out the whole night and he has a fever, it's really bad."

"Awe, well I hope he gets better." He nodded before answering.

"Me too."

Considering that your school was sort of far away, you still had about a half an hour to go on the bus, which meant you and Ethan talked lots to eachother. Not even about anything specific, just the random things that came into your mind. He was so easy to talk to and you both enjoyed eachothers company. He made you laugh by telling you stories of what him and his brother had done as kids, you both even played twenty questions.

You learned that he had an older sister, and that he was the older twin. His favorite color was green and he wants to move to LA when he's older to become an actor. His favorite subject is math and he loves ice cream.

As we pulled up to the school, everyone began to stand up and grab their bags.

"Thanks for keeping me company," Ethan grinned at you.

"Your welcome," you smiled back.

You got off of the bus, and began walking your separate ways before you heard him talking.

"I almost forgot," he called. "What's your name?"


"I'm Ethan," he grinned.

I know.

You both waved to eachother and walked to your classes.

A/N: since school starts next week for me 😬 good luck to all those starting!

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