You Miss Him -Grayson

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Your phone buzzed on your bedside table, snapping you away from watching an episode of 'The Fosters.'

*Text message from Gray*

You hurriedly unlocked your phone to see what he said. He's been on tour for the past 2 months, so you've barely been able to talk to him which made you really upset. Any time that he was able to text you was rare, since he'd been so busy recently, so you got over excited when ever you saw his name appear on your phone.

Gray: hey baby, wanna Skype??

You quickly answered with excitement.

You: yes :) !!

Seconds later, your computer was going off, alerting you of the incoming call from your boyfriend. You quickly answered the call, to reveal a sleepy looking Grayson on the screen. He was in his bed in his hotel room, and was wearing sweatpants with a pink SnapBack.

"Hey babe," a lazy grin casted upon his face when he saw you.

"Hi," you answered. You couldn't help the blush that formed on your face when you saw him. This had been the first time you two had talked on the phone for 3 days, and you had been missing him a lot lately.

"Where's Ethan?" You asked curiously. Ethan normally was always right next to Grayson when ever you guys skyped, but this time only Gray was on the screen.

He lifted up the laptop to show Ethan sound asleep on the couch, snoring away.

"He's been sleeping for two hours, that lazy ass," he joked which made you laugh.

"How's London?" You asked. You had seen all the pictures he sent you in front of different monuments, and the videos he had posted on snapchat and Instagram.

"It's amazing! There's so many different cool places to visit, me and Ethan went all around the city! And the food is actually really good," he ranted. "I really like the British accents too, their dope!" He exclaimed.

"Oh then maybe I'll have to fake an English accent whenever I see you," you joked.

"Alright, let's hear it! Say "get me a tish."

He would say that.

Very slowly you began to speak. "Get me a tish. How was that?"

"Y/n, you sounded like a freaking donkey," he cackled.

"Shut up," you covered your face and laugh along.

"I'm sorry babe, you know I was just playing." He winked at you which made you blush slightly.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are having fun," you smiled.

"Anyways, how're you doing?" He asked, suddenly a spark of his interest was set on you.

You hesitated for a second before replying.

"Great," you put on a fake grin.

Gray blew out a breath of air as he stared at you through the computer screen with a disbelieving look on his face.

"Y/N, I can tell when your lying to me, your mood just completely changed," he said in a soft voice. "What's wrong?"

You debated on weather or not to tell him what was wrong. You didn't want him to feel guilty for something as wonderful as touring the world, and plus, it made him happy to see his fans and see new places, and you didn't want to take that happiness away from him. After a few moments of silence, he repeating his question, in a slower, more desperate tone.

"What's, wrong?"

You looked away from him while you spoke. "It's just... I've been missing you a lot," you admit. "I'm constantly been thinking about you, and how far apart we both are from each other," your voice cracks. You look back up at the screen to see a look of guilt on his face.

"It's just hard going online and seeing you with all these girls, hugging you and kissing you, and knowing that I can't do the same because your all the way across the world."

"Babe..." he began. "I'm so sorry, I should've called you more, I should've taken time off to come see you and I should've-"

"Gray stop," you interrupted. "You haven't done anything wrong. I want you to have fun with Ethan and travel the world. I just hate that your away for so long."

He blew out air from his mouth and put his hands over his face.

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want to make you sad or guilty," you pouted.

"But I have to because it's my job to make sure that you don't feel this way." 

You stayed quiet and picked at your nails, not knowing what to say, because he clearly wasn't gonna let you talk him out of feeling guilty.

"I'm gonna come home," he spoke suddenly. It took you a minute to process what he just said before you could answer.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm gonna take the morning flight back to New Jersey so that I can spend time with you."

"But what about your show-"

"I don't have another show till Monday, its only Wednesday."

You smiled.

"Are you sure?" You didn't want him to spoil the plans he had previously had set for him and E.

"I'm positive. I wanna spend time with my girl."

A/N: Ik, I haven't posted in forever, that's because I'm working on another book and I'm trying to make it really good, but hopefully this was good! I'm also going to start posting regularly again :)

Also, thank you so much for 4K reads! You guys are amazing, and I love y'all so much 💜 if there is any suggestions or questions you have then you are more than welcome to comment or DM me!

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