His Thoughts As You Sleep (Both)

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Look at her. She's so beautiful when she sleeps. I love the way her lips slightly part when she lightly snores, and the way she breathes slowly, deeply, she looks so peaceful. I love playing with her hair, pulling on it slightly to make her groan in satisfactory. I love the way her body is like a magnet to mine, and how she always ends up snuggled into my chest. The way she slightly drools when she is in a deep sleep makes me chuckle. When she has a nightmare, I love being the first thing she sees when she wakes up, so she knows I am there to protect her. I take the time to stare at her beautiful face and admire it. To be grateful that she is mine, and only mine.


She looks like an angel while she sleeps, or like one of those people on the movies that look perfect while they sleep. Except she looks better. I wonder what she is dreaming about when she furrows her eyebrows or mumbles something under her breath. Maybe she's dreaming about me. About us. I love how wild of a sleeper she is, always stealing the blankets away from me, and her body rolling all over the bed as she tries to find a comfortable position. It amuses me. I love the way she pulls herself over to me, giving us both warmth. I take her hand in mine and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling us even closer together. Nothing could ever separate us. I would make sure of that.

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