His Brother Checks You Out -Ethan

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Ethan's POV

"Bro what's taking her so long?" Grayson asked me as we were waiting for y/n to come out of her house. We were sitting outside of her house in my car, waiting to take her out to dinner for her 18th birthday. She was a childhood friend of mine and Grayson's, and I have had a crush on her for the longest, but sadly I don't think she feels the same for me.

"I don't know, she said that she would be out soon," I replied and checked the time on my watch. It was 5:45, and our reservation at the restaurant were for 6:10. We still had some time.

"Holy shit," Grayson muttered. My head snapped up from my phone to y/n's house where she was walking out. She was wearing a nice black dress that fit her perfectly, her hair was nicely decorated in her beautiful natural waves, and her makeup was done to perfection. Let's just say that I was having heart malfunctions from looking at her, she looked incredible. As she got into the car, she waved at the both of us.

"Sorry I took so long, it took me forever to get ready," she said apologetically. I was at a loss of words so I only nodded. I looked over at Grayson and saw that he was staring at her with his mouth wide open, looking her up and down with an obvious interest, which made me feel something. Jealousy? Anger? I didn't know, but I knew that I didn't like it. I slapped his arm, snapping him out of whatever was going through his mind.

"Grayson, start driving," I suggested with my teeth gritted.

"Oh right!" He remembered and started the car up again.

We both made small talk with y/n in the car, asking her how her birthday had went so far. She had told us that her parents bought her a brand new car, and she received over $500 dollars from her other family members.

"That's cool," Grayson spoke before I got the chance to. I noticed that he had been looking at her in the mirror throughout the whole ride, and it was getting on my nerves. I mean he knew that I liked y/n, so why was he suddenly so interested in flirting with her and checking her out every 30 seconds?

"We're here!" Grayson exclaimed as we pulled into the parking lot. We walked into the restaurant where the waitress took us to our seats. Y/n plopped down into a seat, which happened to have one open next to her. I made my way over to sit down next to her, but before I got the chance, Grayson took the seat.

What. The. Actual. Hell.

I took a deep breath, trying to contain my anger. Notice how I said tried. I gave Grayson a death glare, to which he looked at me confusedly. I don't understand why he was acting dumb, he knew what he was doing.

"Ethan, are you going to sit down?" Y/n asked with a questionable look on her face.

"I actually have to use the restroom real quick, I'll be back in a minute," I tried to convince her and left the table. I went to the corner of the building where the sign to the bathroom was, and I entered. I jumped as I accidently slammed the door behind me. As I arrived to the mirror, I splashed some water on my face, I was red from anger. I cooled down and tried to convince myself that I needed to calm down, it was Y/n's day, and I just had to pretend that there wasn't anything wrong.

Suddenly the bathroom door whipped open, and I looked over to see Grayson walking over to me.

"Dude what's your problem? You've been acting weird all night, I think Y/n is getting worried."

"What's my problem?" I asked in disbelief. "What's your problem?! You've been flirting with Y/n since she got into the car! Do you understand how long I've liked her, and now you have a sudden spark of interest in her?! It hurts Grayson," I looked away from him.

He was quiet. He walked over to me slowly and put his hand on my back.

"Dude," he quietly said. "I didn't want it to seem like I was flirting with her. I mean aside from you, she's one of my only best friends, I just wanted to try and make conversation with her and make her birthday fun for her." When he said this, it made me realize how much I was over reacting, I felt like a dick.

"And I know that I've been staring at her a lot tonight, I can't help it," he chuckled. "She looks amazing. But I didn't mean to hurt you at all Ethan, that's your girl," he looked directly into my eyes, and I knew at that moment that he was telling the truth. I smiled a little bit at him.

"I'm sorry Gray," I started. "I didn't mean to over react."

"It's okay bro," he laughed. "Now let's not leave the birthday girl by herself."

* * * * * *

The rest of dinner had gone well, I had a great time, and I could tell that Y/n had a great time too, which made me happy. I was currently driving Y/n home, Grayson had been picked up from dinner by our friend Nate, they were picking up things from the store that we needed to film the video tomorrow. She was next to me in the front seat, nodding her head along to the music that was playing. She looked perfect.

When she noticed that I was staring at her, she giggled. I smiled back at her and focused back on the road. She was making me turn red, I could feel my face heating up.

We arrived to her house within a few more minutes, and I walked her up to the door. We both stopped and looked at each other when we reached her door step.

"Thank you for the great night Ethan," she smiled. I grinned back and looked at my feet.

"Your welcome, oh- I have one more thing for you." I pulled out a rose from behind my back, and handed it to her. She took it and smelt it, and then she hugged me, thanking me again. She slowly pulled back, so that she was still in my arms and she had her hands around my neck. I looked into her eyes, which were looking into mine, and then slowly, dreadfully slowly, she moved her face closer to mine, until our lips brushed together ever so slightly. Then, she pushed them together fully until we were kissing. The action made my heart beat rapidly. Finally I had her I'm my arms. Finally I was able to kiss her, and it felt so unreal.

She pulled back after a while, her lips plump and red from our previous action and she smiled.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," she breathed. "I've wanted to do it for the longest time,"

"Me too," I spoke honestly. She brought her lips back to mine and then pulled away.

"Goodnight Ethan," she said, and walked into her house, shyly grinning at me as she closed the door.

"Goodnight Y/n."


A/N: Guysssss I'm sorry that I haven't posted for like 2 weeks I'm so sorry! Hopefully this long imagine makes up for it, and I hope you like it!!! Make sure to comment, and vote! I might even be following some of you who do so ;D

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