Anniversary - Grayson

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You and Grayson had been driving in his car for hours. He had told you that morning that he wanted to take you some where special for your 5 month anniversary, it also happened to be the Fourth of July. He told you to pack some clothes and then he picked you up from your house, as you two hit the road. You still had no idea where you were going, but you were somewhere in the middle of California.

Right now you guys were jamming out to the radio which was playing a song by 'The Weekend.' You listened to Grayson singing the song which was a funny sight to see considering he didn't know half of the lyrics. You laughed at him as he got another line wrong, he playfully slapped your arm while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Stop laughing at me," he pouted playfully, which made you giggle even more.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I begged. He shook his head grinning.

"Nope, but we're almost there," he said.

You guys drove for about 10 more minutes before turning on to a dirt path. You drove through the woods until you made a turn that revealed a huge lake house.

Your mouth fell open at the sight of the house, it was huge!

"Welcome to my family's lake house," he said smiling as we pulled into the drive way.

"It's so beautiful!" You said, stepping out of the car with your bags.

"Just like you," Grayson said giving you a kiss on the forehead before grabbing your bags from your arms.

As you both walked up to the house, you looked around the place. There was a fire pit in the front, and the whole place was surrounded by trees. It looked like something you would see in a magazine. Grayson then opened the front door revealing the beautiful inside of the house.

"Wow," you said, still in shock.

Grayson chuckled at you before you two went into the house.

You both set the bags down near the door before Grayson spoke. "Let me give you a tour," he said grabbing your hand.

He showed you around the main floor which had a beautiful kitchen, and huge living room with a fireplace and a flatscreen TV. There was even an indoor pool! Then he took you upstairs where there were 6 bedrooms which were all decorated amazingly, a bathroom in every single one. He took you back down stairs and led you to the deck.

"There's one more thing I want to show you," he said opening the glass doors. You two stepped out side and you couldn't believe your eyes. A river traveled across the backyard which led to a waterfall. The water was a clear light blue color which made it look so pretty. (Picture at the top/side)

"Woah," you breathed. You felt Grayson wrap his arms around your waist.

"You wanna go for a swim?" He asked.

You nodded,"Yeah! Just let me grab my swim suit," you said turning to go inside. Then he grabbed your wrist.

"You don't need one," he smirked.

* * * *
Grayson's POV

"Come on Y/N," I said trying to encourage her. I had already jumped off of the waterfall into the water, but she was scared to.

She was wearing my t-shirt which went down to her knees with her undergarments underneath, she had her arms wrapped around her stomach as she looked down at the water below her. She looks so cute when she's nervous.

"Jump on the count of three," I shouted to her. "One, two, three!"

I saw her jump down, as she went into a cannon ball position before hearing a splash. I swam over to her as she came back up to the surface of the water.

"I told you that it wasn't that bad of a jump," I said teasing her.

"Whatever," she playfully rolled her eyes at me.

We ended up swimming around for a while, playing games and until it started to get dark. We got out and I handed her a towel that I had brought outside with us earlier.

We walked in to the house and stopped in the kitchen, we were hungry from all that swimming.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.


I nodded and ordered the food. "It should be here in about 30 minutes," I said.

"Okay," she answered.

"While we wait," I spoke heading over to one of my bags and unzipped it. I pulled out a bag of marshmallows. "S'mores?"

* * * *

You and Gray sat outside by the fire pit roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. The Chinese had arrived a while ago and you two had finished the food in about 5 minutes flat.

You were laying on him as you heard him yell. "Shitt!" You looked up to see him waving his stick around like a wand as the marshmallow began to catch on fire. You chuckled and grabbed the stick from him and blew out the flame.

He looked fascinated for a second before grabbing the stick back and saying a quick 'thanks' to you as he began to eat it.

After he finished that marshmallow he checked his watch then stood up and put his hands out for you to take. "I wanna take you somewhere," he said pulling you up.

"Where?" You asked confused.

"It's a surprise," he said smirking. You rolled your eyes jokingly as you two walked through the woods. You walked until you came upon a giant bridge that went over the river. Boats were scattered around the water as they sat anchored.

"Why did you take me here?" You said.

"You'll see," he spoke as he motioned you over to the edge of the bridge. He patted the ledge of it. "Sit." You looked at it and hesitantly climbed up and sat on it with the help of Grayson. Now you were the same height as him. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Suddenly you heard a huge BOOM. You gasped as you looked up to see beautiful fireworks filling the sky.

They reflected across the water, and it truly was an amazing sight to see. As the finale came, you looked back at Grayson to see him staring at you already.

"This is amazing Gray," you said. He smiled at you and leaned in to kiss you.

"Happy anniversary baby," he breathed against your lips.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this imagine :) Just wanted to say that I update every Tuesday! If I am a little bit behind I update a day later at the most but add in a preference to make it up. I normally publish 2-3 'chapters' every update.

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