He Gets You A Dog (Ethan)

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Ethan's Pov

"Just sign right here and he will be yours," the owner of the small pet shop says as he hands me a packet of papers.

I sign my name quickly, barely putting effort into my penmanship before I hand the papers back to the man.

"Alright, your all set!" He smiles and hands me over the small puppy along with it's leash. I say a quick thank you, and grab the bag full of materials needed for the dog before making my way to my car.

Y/n had been wanting for a dog for the longest time, and after hearing her talk about it for so long, I decided to finally get one for her as an early birthday present. I was just hoping that she would like it. I wasn't so sure about what type of dog she wanted, so I decided on the cutest one I saw there, a husky.

The tiny dog is so full of energy, I have to tug him gently by his leash to make sure he doesn't go sprinting down the street into the oncoming traffic.

As we arrive to my car, I squat and whistle at the dog.

"Over here boy," I chant and pat the ground. He runs over and leaps into my arms. I pet him for a minute before opening the door to my vehicle.

The dog lightly makes noises as I put him in the car. I put him in the passenger seat so he can look out the window which all dogs seem to enjoy during car rides. As I begin driving, I put the window down a bit, and immediately the husky sticks his head out and opens his mouth, letting the air cast through his fur. He barks cheerfully, which causes me to smile.

I'm just praying that y/n will like him.

Y/n Pov

A sound of light scratching from the front door wakes me up from my nap.

What the heck?

I sit up slowly, and wait, seeing if I was just imagining it or not. A second later, I hear it again, along with a crash coming from out side the door.

"Damn it!" I hear someone say from behind the door and immediately know that it's Ethan. I rush over to the door and swing it open to reveal Ethan laying flat on the ground with a bunch of stuff scattered around him, all spilt out of a bag. But what catches my eye is a small husky circling around my feet. I give Ethan a confused look. His eyes widen as he notices me standing there.

"Ethan? What the heck are you doing?" I chuckle as I help him up. "Who's dog is this?"

"It's yours!" He exclaims.


"It's an early birthday present for you! I know you've wanted a dog for a while so I decided to get you one... I didn't know what kind you wanted, so I just got this one. Do you like him?" He rubs the back of his neck as he waits for my response.

I don't answer, but run into his arms.

"Of course I do, he's adorable! Thank you so much," I breathe.

The sound of small whimpering from below us causes us to break away from our hug. I look down and notice the small dogs paw resting on my leg as if requesting for me to pick him up.

I reach down and pull him into my arms, pulling him into my chest.

"What're you going to name him?" He asks as he strokes the dogs head.

"I don't know... What do you think his name should be?" I ask.

Almost immediately he answers. "I think you should name him Ethan Dolan Jr," he gives a sly smile.

A/N: just a short little imagine ;)

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