He Meets Your Parents - Ethan

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Ethan's leg was shaking up and down as you both sat at the table booth in the restaurant that you were at. Today was the day that he would meet your parents, and he was clearly very nervous.

You put your hand in top of his which seemed to calm him down a bit. "Don't be nervous babe," you said to him assuringly.

"I can't help it! What if they don't like me?" He said frantically. You personally found it adorable that he was so nervous. He had planned this whole dinner for you and your parents. He picked the nicest restaurant in town to take you guys to, even though you insisted that you didn't need to go anywhere that classy, but he wanted to.

"They will, they're going to love you Ethan," you kissed him on the cheek still trying to calm him down.

Suddenly, your parents walked through the aisle of the restaurant until they spotted you. "There they are," you warned Ethan. As they walked closer, Ethan stood up from the booth and shook both of your parents hands.

"N-nice to meet both of you, I'm Ethan," he smiled politely at the both of them. They smiled back at him.

"It's nice to meet you Ethan, we've heard so much about you dear," your mother said as her and your father slid into the other side of the booth. Ethan sat back down next to you.

"All good things I hope," Ethan said looking over at me with an amused look on his face.

"Mostly," my father joked which caused me and Ethan to laugh.

The waitress came over to our table taking our orders and then left, leaving my mom to start a conversation.

"I must say Ethan, this is a really nice place. We appreciate you setting up this dinner with us."

"It's no problem ma'am, I just wanted to take the time to get to know you guys, and so you could get to know me, so you can be comfortable with me being with your daughter."

My parents looked pleased. "Okay Ethan, so tell us about yourself," my father said sipping his water.

You saw Ethan tense from the corner of your eye, he didn't like being the center of the conversation, especially in this type of situation. You placed your hand on his knee, giving him an ensuring squeeze.

"Well, I am home schooled, along with my twin brother. We both have a career on YouTube, our channel called the Dolan Twins. It's become pretty successful, we have over 2 million subscribers and we actually just finished our tour a couple weeks ago."

"Ah yes, y/n showed us your channel! I loved the videos you made with the shock collars, it was quite funny," your dad stated.

Ethan looked relieved that they had seemed to support his career on YouTube.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it."

"So where did you two meet?" Your mother asked.

"We met at a friends party and talked a lot, and then we went out a couple of times after that as friends before I asked y/n to be my girlfriend."

Just then, the food came to the table, and you guys talked gracefully while making small talk with each other. After everyone finished eating, Ethan asked for the bill. Your dad pulled out his wallet, but Ethan waved him off.

"You don't have to pay for anything sir, I got it," Ethan smiled. My dad looked shocked considering that paying for all four of you would be quite expensive.

"Thank you Ethan, I really appreciate that," spoke your father. Ethan grinned and nodded back to him.

After Ethan payed, you all got up to leave. As you got to the parking lot, everyone started saying their goodbyes. Your mother hugged Ethan tightly and said another thank you towards him. Your father and him did that guy handshake thing. Then your dad came to give you a hug, same with your mom. As she came to you though, she whispered in your ear.

"He's a keeper, don't let him go." You nodded and spoke back to her.

"I won't." You meant it. You wanted to be with Ethan for a long time.

As you and Ethan got into his car, he began speaking.

"What did your mom tell you?" He asked curiously.

"She said not to let you go," you smiled up at him. He smiled back.

"R-really?" He said happily.

"Yes Ethan, my parents love you."

A/N: I hope my future bf is as sweet as him! I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to vote if you liked the story ;)

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