Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV

I loved my mom with all of my heart.

She always knew what to say when I was depressed, and always kept me safe from anything that could've harmed me;

I used to wake up to her warm smile greeting me in the morning with my dad at her side also smiling brightly.

My parents were so kind and I felt so lucky to have the greatest mom in world.

I hate that woman with all of my existence and she equally despises me.

She just slowly creeped into my life after my dad had left us for good.

That woman said I'm a disappointment, a nuisance that she would gladly throw away but she said that it would be bad for her reputation.

She blames me for all of her problems. She says that if I didn't exist then she could've been happy, and maybe shes right. Maybe I just shouldn't have been born.

I love my mom so much but I hate that woman to the bone. I want to run.... Far, far away but I'm not brave enough to try and live life alone.

No matter how much I hated her, I needed her to survive this unfair world. That's just how life works.

I slowly open my eyes to the brightness of day and the height of being on a tree branch.

The light of the loving sun shines through the leaves of the grandfather tree that I sit upon. I swing my legs as the the wind sweeps through my hair and the sight of nature flows all around me.

Everything's so full of life, everything,  except for a rusty old car that's been rotting away over the years.

The long forgotten metal sits in front of me, with vines hanging off every inch of it. The years of rust piling up on top of  each other until u wouldn't think that, at first, it's was like a shiny new toy.

Its abandoned, unwanted, its so pitiful, and it's exactly like me.

I lean my head back to look at the peaceful sky while letting a sigh slip from my lips. The clouds gracefully glide across the vast blue sea above.

I love to feel the warmness of the sun on my tan skin. It always keeps the cold darkness that hides inside my heart at bay for some time.

But that doesn't last long as I instantly look down at the green grass, with its dark shadows swaying, so far below my reach.

My mind starts to wonder off into the darkness once again.

Just one move, a sinister voice says in my head, and you'll be doing yourself and that miserable woman a huge favor.

My fingers twitch at the thought of just ending everything right this second.

But something keeps me from doing what my mind was trying to talk me into. The one thing that has saved my life so many times before; fear

Every now and then I come here and I get the same urge to just simply"jump" but fear grips onto me tightly each time.

It locks me in place until that dark moment finds its way to another day of the week, only to be moved unto a later date. It just reminds me on how pathetic I really am.

When this happens it completely ruins my mood and I know it's about time to head back before she notices that I left without permission, again.

I start to descend down this great ancient tree that continues to grow steadily over time. It's been my only friend for as long as I can remember.

When I reach the ground I feel the soft grass rubbing underneath and around my bare feet.

I look down to see the grass spring with life at the slightest movement I make. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt I thought to myself while lying down in the pastel of green.

I heard something rustle from the direction of the broken-down car but I dusted it off as "it's just the wind."

But then I hear the unnatural sound of the grass crunching underneath something's weight as it gradually starts to come closer towards me.

The first thing that popped into my head was that it was a bear coming to tear me into shreds; I start to panic on how I was going to get myself out of this one.

Maybe if I stay still it will think I'm dead and leave me alone. But It destroys my little amount of hope as it looms over me, cutting off the sun's reach from my face.

It stays too long over me and I know I'm a goner.

Well, Its not like anyone is going to miss my sorry butt anyway, I thought as I smiled in my mind bitterly, Might as well be useful in this world by feeding this bear my bones.

I peeked one eye open expecting to see a huge vicious bear growling in my face, but I was taken aback when I notice human eyes staring down at me.

He stares intensely tho, looking at every inch of my facial features, and I stare back, frozen under his gaze.

His lower eyelashes were long, and his skin looked smooth. He's a pretty boy.

I then figured out that he was trying to tell what I was thinking so I quickly put on a poker face. A total stranger was trying to get into my thoughts and I didn't like that one bit.

We stay like this for a couple of seconds until his gaze softens and he unexpectedly plops down crossed legged next to me.

He then suddenly looks back at me with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Hi I'm Jimin," he soundly blurts out , let be friends!"

{Author: How was the 1st chapter was it at least readable (•3•) }

Also if u can pls follow my Instagram account @Mai.ko55 I post like fan art. Pls and thank u

 Pls and thank u

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