Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV

I wake up to the door creaking open. My eyes drowsily try to adjust from their temporary blurriness as I look up.

I groan, not just because my back hurts from this rock hard mattress, but because today's Saturday, and I promised Jimin I'd spend the day with him. I couldn't sleep properly because all I could've thought about was today.

I feel more paranoid of getting caught if I try to sneak out than usual.

Every morning around the time I get up, she'll check on me, and depending on what it is she feeds me, she'd either just throw it at me or place it on the floor by the door; like feeding homeless kitten milk.

Most of the time she'd insult me, and I'd spit back at her the awful words that would also leave a mental bruise just like her's does to me.

Today I decide to keep quite.

I should be good so she can just leave quickly. Starting a fight is just going to delay her leave.

I want to see Jiminie today. I want to see the same smile on his face when I said I might come today.

She again insults me like usually, this time it actually gets to me, but I take the bullet like a champ.

Oh, I have so much things I'd like to say back to her, but I hold it in bitterly. She leaves after a few minutes, and I guess she was waiting for my response.

She probably thinks that she won and this bothers me considerably, but this was a way better option than talking back.

After about a few minutes of stillness from me, I slowly walk up the stairs and put my ears to the door, listening to figure out if she's still in the house.

Its quiet for a couple of seconds until I hear multiple creaks in this house's ancient wooden flooring, and that tells me she still here. I sigh as I turn around and lean against the door, sliding down it until I was sitting.

Well, it seemed too good to be true that she'd leave that quick.

My eyes suddenly start to gain heaviness after some minutes, and I struggle to keep them from closing permanently.

Hours passed by, but it feels like days and she's still not gone. Why is she taking so damn long to leave? Literally, what can she be doing.

Eventually, darkness and the feeling of nothingness takes complete control over my conscious.


My eyes flicker open as I breathe in deeply, slightly startled after waking up. I regathered my thoughts as I remember my reason for being by the door.

I lean with my ears pressed against it as I listen closely for any sign of moment.

Finally, when I was positive that it was just me in this place, I instantly start picking to lock to the door.

After so much experience it takes me only seconds to unlock it without even trying. I push it open, the squeak of the hinges become louder until it turns into thin air.

I close back the door behind me, and I go to lock it back from the other side when I realized that I couldn't feel the key in the key whole. I turn to look at the empty lock I just opened.

The color from my face drains completely because this time, I can't cover this up. Even if I did reach back before her, she'd definitely notice this. I already unlocked the door and I'm not sure you can even lock a door with a bobby pin; even if you could, I definitely wouldn't know how.

The cogs in my head start turning, trying to brainstorm an idea to get out of this mess. In the end, nothing comes, and all I can hope is  "she won't notice."

I told myself that everything will be fine and I pushed that problem to the farthest corner of my brain. Running past the kitchen and to the front door,I open it to see the peach dyed sky with its vibrant colors and the moon beginning to peak its head from behind the horizon.

I sigh as I stand in the doorway.

How long did I sleep? The days almost over.

It's going to be night soon so would he even care if I come anymore? When he asked me to come over, I think he wanted to spend the whole day with me.

"I don't think he'd mind if I don't come." I say as I went back inside, closing the door softly behind me.

I stand there and just stare at air; suddenly a wave of frustration washing over me and I feel like kicking something. "It'll bother me if I don't go though."

I let out a frustrated groan as I hold my head in my hands and start to walk further inside the house.

Once Ive calmed down the frustration turned into depression, and I feel like crying.

It wouldn't be worth it if I go right now.

I didn't even keep my promise.

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