Chapter 7

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Taehyung POV

Jimin hugs me tightly, like he hasn't seen me in ages; like nothing else mattered. I hug him back just as firm, and I can here him sniffing. He was crying; I thought you ditched me" he says through his sniffles; happiness start to fill me knowing  he cared so much about me.


My eyes open to the dripping water of a leaking pipe. The light hanging above flicker on and off, trying to decide if it's even worth lighting up this sad place I call my bedroom.

It was just a dream. I just figure out.

It was too good to be true anyway.

I force myself to sit up, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. The whole place looks like hazed darkness with an occasional puke color lightning flash.

I look around the room of pitch black abyss. I can't tell if it's day or still night considering this place is basically a box.

Something seems off but it's just too  much work to figure out what; and I'm too disoriented to even try.

I get on my feet and head in the direction of stairs. I've done this too many times to count so its mainly just instinct by now.

I step up the stairs, not bothering to watch my footing; light shines through the cracks between this place's ancient curtains.

"Why is it so quiet," I think to myself as I head for the fridge; and the answer finally comes for the weird feeling I was having before.

It's because that woman isn't here.

Usually she'd be making a ruckus about her boyfriend and sometimes have a major meltdown; crying loudly like its the end of the world or throwing stuff until her anger is sorted out.

It would wake me up super early in the morning and even during the night. So waking up when the sun is up already is kinda strange to me; but I think I like it.

When I open the fridge all I see is cup ramen and yogurt. I go for the yogurt and open it, only to find out that it expired about a year ago.

"Guess I'll have the cup ramen then."

While I'm eating I decide to compensate about life. I wonder if I should go out and look for Jimin. He probably didn't show up yesterday and just said it as a joke.

But if he didn't want to be friends Id rather have him say it to my face than give me false expectations. Why would I take the chance to get hurt, I don't know.

I finish the end of the ramen and start to head out. I've made up my mind; I'll look for him.

Since that woman has to work, I have time to explore. I walk straight through the woods to where we first met.

Passing the gigantic tree in the middle of the vast field and the car to it's side, I walk in the direction I last some him.

I was just going off of little information like knowing which direction he headed. For all I know he could have turned a simple left, and I would be going in the completely wrong direction. But I keep going straight.

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