Chapter 25

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Taehyung's POV

Jiminie was giving his mom and I the stink eye when they guided me out the door. I can tell that he was eagerly awaiting my leave so he can thoroughly question her about what we talked about; he probably knew I would've told him nothing but thin air.

He didn't even properly said goodbye to me before he shut the door in my face. I should've been insulted by this but I just chuckle at his restless behavior. He's acting like a school girl who wants to get in on the drama happening.

I turn to leave when I see his incoming father with his business-man looking car approaching. He pulls into the dirt road driveway and I wasn't quick-witted enough to jump into a close bush before are eyes met when he came out his car; well at least his silhouette was because it is extremely dark right now.

He looks away for a second to take out his brief case but after keeps direct eye contact with me as he comes closer, I finally being able to see his face and I regret not leaving sooner like I was planning before.

"Hello Mr. Park," I say politely, bowing exactly 90 degrees trying to show great manners as he is Jiminie's father.

Right now I should make a good impression on him cause recently it seems like he doesn't like me. Well, since we first met it seemed like he despises me.

"Ah well, it's Jimin's friend," he says and I don't know why he emphasized the word friend so much. "What was your name again?"

I don't know what seemed funny to me at the moment but I choke a laugh out at his question, quickly trying to cover it up with a fake cough.

He raises an eyebrow at my weirdness but I try to answer his question with the calmness tone of voice that existed in me. "Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

"Oh yeah, How can I forget, Jimin is only talking about how such a great friend you are nowadays."

Seriously, is it just me or emphasizing the crap out of the word friend. Plus I just noticed but his voice have a sound of fake warmness mixed in with it.

"He says to him your just a really good friend. He also said your the closest friend to him and nothing more," his father explain and every word that come out his mouth made my heart gradually ache considerably.  I'm not sure why though.

"With that I hope that you see him in that light as well and nothing more," His voice becomes colder sending shivers down my spine and I swear I breathed out frost; his fake smile also coming into the light for me. (A/n: for some reason I'm giving Jimin's dad a British accent and Idk why)

What does he mean by that? Seeing him in the same light?

" you...mean," I say trying to be cautious with my words and tone so I don't sound rude.

"I just ask that you don't cling to him so much. Actually, keep a space between you guys because it doesn't seem..... appropriate for boys to be close." He says, almost sounding like he doesn't want me to even breathe the same air as Jimin.

I furrow me eyebrows at his words as I look at him but quickly tries to glaze over it with another bow. I say nothing more because I know my voice will betray my cover and I turn quickly and speed walk away, fury starting to bubble up inside me.

So he's the one that put that nonsense into Jimin's head.

During that period when Jimin was basically avoiding me, his dad doesn't know how terrible that made me feel. Even Jimin was struggling.

I should've known Jiminie wouldn't have conjured up that way of thinking without someone planting it in his head.

I suddenly punch a tree with all my anger.

AHFUDKCSDM- IM FRUSTRATED," I basically yell to no one except myself.


The walk to my place cooled down the heat fumes that were radiating off of me from my anger. I stopped thinking about what his dad said to me and started worrying about the deal I made with his mom.

The plan seemed good but there's still a enormous problem I'm facing; I need a place where he wouldn't catch me.

A sound of rustling comes from in the bush, startling me because my imagination always goes wild in these situations.

I block my face and squeeze my eyes shut as something dark jumps out of the abyss. I slowly open my eyes and I mentally face palm to my self when I realize it's just a black bunny.

I'm glad Jiminie is not here or he'll just make fun of me for creating a fool of myself just now.

I hesitantly bend down to pet it and to my surprise it snuggled up to my hand. It then slowly starts to bounce away and I decide to follow it since it was going in the basic direction I was heading.

Sometime I would lose sight of it because it would blend in so much to the foggy night atmosphere but it would always come back to me when I strayed.

I started to feel something a little like deja vu when it would come back, just staring at me with its beady eyes.

Then I finally realize this familiar yet unfamiliar feeling about it; the girl from the castle place.

She had a death grip on a stuff bunny that color, like it was her only life source and nothing like her heart was the thing keeping her living.

I wonder how she's doing; hope that pervy old bastard learned his lesson from my punch. I regret nothing about that day.(A/n: if u don't remember go back to like chapter 6 where he met her.

The bunny jumped somewhere new and for a second I thought it stepped on a land mine, only to run through the grass awakening the strange creatures I've never seen in my life.

I look around at the astonishing sight and a smile starts to form on my face; how beautiful it is.

Then an idea hits me; this is the perfect place.

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