Chapter 32

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Taehyung's POV


The sound of time ticking in my mind, until it strikes the final hour where the chimes will go off marking midnight; or for me.


My perception of time now is drastically different from before these few hellish days. Before with Jimin it'll go by lightning quick, mostly just us just loosing track of it with all the fun we were having.

Now it feels like it's a slow walk to my end. Each day, each hour, every minute, second, millisecond, ticking closer to where my body becomes hollow and cold.

Down here, day doesn't exist; nor does natural light. No sunlight comes through the high thin window anymore; she boarded it up.

The suns only part of ones imagination now, and the only source of light or warmth is from the dangling half lit lightbulb hanging above. The majority of the room is only the cold breath of night without its little bright companions that show the way. This place is the abyss, and I m currently lost in it.

It's probably been like four days, maybe five but it's feels like its been centuries since I've been in this suffocating box. And I'm only estimating the number of days off of my tiredness and the amount of times she comes into this room.

I've tried to escape when she's not down here, and all those times were useless. My feet are locked to the floor, and my arms are chained to the wall. There's no where I can go. So, I've given up. I'm tired and I just want to sleep; forever.

Each day I've become more tired since all the adrenaline rushes through my body when she spills my blood. My vison become blurry and unfocused from my lack of sleep.

I have lost my consciousness to when the sizzling pain was too much for me to bare, so I won't know how long I've been blacked out; and it's happened too many times to count.

The first two seemingly days were torture. The pain was unbearable, and what broke the dead silence was my screams of agony echoing off the concrete walls.

My ear-splitting shrieks sounded to last endlessly, and the pain stung for more than eternity. But the third day, my voice ripped; no longer being able to express the suffering I was feeling through screaming anymore.

Layers and layers of dried tears were stained down my cheeks, and my lips broken and bloody from the harsh force of my teeth bearing down brutally on them.

The door now clicks to unlock, making my attention and precautions jerk in that direction. It gradually creeks open, emitting a strange light with a silhouette that a fear days ago made me petrified. But no longer do I feel fear of dying soon; for in the end I know I will. My soul feels extremely dull compared to the heated sharp knife she's bringing towards me. Right now it's day.

There has been a routine, she'd cut me during the day, complete pleasure landscaped across her face when she looks down at me. And during the night she'll bleed me. I guess this was so I won't die right away, but I wish this was just over with. I'm so tired.

She glides the heated iron inches from my face, my eye lashes sizzling from the closeness. I just blink at it, my gaze just staring through her and not at her. I'm going to be hurting soon.

The blade makes direct contact with my already jacked up arm,  and my screams are just bubbled hackie coughs. I look at her through my cringed eyes.

There's that sinister smile.

I'm still not even close to used to this. But soon enough I'll have the last painful feel, the last drop of blood will drain from my body, and the last breathe will leave my broken lips. I didn't want to die, but it feels like I don't have an option.

"Taehyung," she calls bringing my hanging head up by my chin, forcing me to look at her in the eyes as she rubs my chin with her thumb.

I have no energy but I still shoot her a dirty look. Making sure that she can feel my piecing gaze filled with hatred burning fiercely in my weakened eyes.

"Mother just wants to keep you safe," she croaked, her breathe reeking of alcohol. "Please understand what I'm doing for you. I know your young but one day you'll appreciate this-," I jerk my head away before she finishes, her touch felt grimy with the bull she was spouting.

I start to snicker, a hoarse laugh bubbling from my throat. I'm done. "You used to seem like a mother, but you died to me long time ago. You mean nothing to me right now, and you never will. There is no love I can spear for you, cause I don't feel to waste it on trash. All that bull about this being the best for me is just hollow words. You are not my mother, and listen to me closely when I repeat myself. You are dead to me."

"That's not how you talk to you mother," she sounded agitated, slightly trembling in a way I can't explain; but I can tell. She's gonna lash out soon. "Why would you say something so mean!?"

I have no idea what possessed me, because right now I'm feeling so much different emotions at once I don't know what to do with myself. This is probably what happens when you know your about to die.

"Haha cause your a crazy b1tch! I'm such an idiot, I should've ran when I got the chance. Dad would've also left you in a second if he new you were like this."

"I'm tired of your fuking mouth, you need to shut up," she stats calmly, going into the box that sits in the corner to grab duct tape, putting it over my mouth harshly. "I've tolerated your sh1tty attitude more than I should of, how dear you say those words to your mother. Your going on time out for a long time until you learn your mistakes."

She brings the blade closer to my neck. I watch as it grows nearer and nearer, and it seems to glow more the closer it becomes. I strain my eyes on it until the feel like they might pop out. Starting to close them when I know I'm defeated.

Oh well, I had a good run.

Didn't think this was the way I'd go though....

I wonder what would've happened if I told Jimjn I liked the kiss.

He probably hates me for just walking away like that.

I can't imagine him getting mad, although I've already seen that side of him...

I miss him...

The blade makes contact with my unprotected neck.

But at least Jiminie doesn't have to see me like this.


Is that the doorbell?

She pulls the blade away quick, the smell of my burning skin following it. Leaving behind a shallow slit on the side of my neck. I look at her, and she looks up at the ceiling alarmed.

Without hesitation she heads for the stairs, my eyes lingering on her back. I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding, breathing hard probably of shock.

That doorbell saved me from immediate death, and I should be happy but......

why do I feel like it pulled the trigger that caused my eternal suffering?

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