Chapter 14

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Taehyung's POV

I still had some time I thought as I open the doors to my abandoned-like home.

The sun hasn't even started setting yet, I could've stayed longer by Jiminie.

Now that I think back on it, I kinda feel bad, cutting him off when he was trying to tell me something.

I'm not really sure why I rushed out of there like that to be honest.  When he mentioned my mom, I don't know, I just reacted to it.

Heh, you'd think at my age I wouldn't moved on with my life by now.

I look around the empty corridor, with the different doors leading to different place.

My room, that I was kicked out of, hasn't been opened in ages, and I don't plan on opening it. It sits there, unchanged but the memories forgotten and covered in dust.

This place used to be so lively, now it's just a hollow space of emptiness. I walk into the kitchen and just stand there letting the memories sink in.

I remember when I accidentally turned up the heat on the oven to much, and I burned the casserole. We sat it down on the table and just stared at it, wondering what to do with it.

Instead why just made a little picnic with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My dad came home and just laughed and smile when he saw what we had made for dinner.

I chuckle at the memory, but turn bitter at what still happened to our family.

Why did dad have to leave? My nose starts to burn; layer feeling comes in my eyes.

And why did mom have to.....

I exhale roughly as I stabilize myself. Let me stop, it's not like me to get emotional over the past; what's happen has happen, and I can't change that.

"Anyways," I murmur to myself. Do we have more than expired yogurt and cup ramen this time, I say as I eye the open fridge.

I don't feel hungry but at least eating would keep me distracted, from many reasons.

My expectations were disappointed, even worst actually, as it doesn't even have cup ramen and just the stale milk mixture.

Whatever, I say as I grab the moldy yogurt. Listening to expiration dates was overrated anyway.

I open it and dip my spoon in it, scooping a big amount into my mouth.
Ugh..... sour," I say with a disgusted face but I continue eating anyways.

I wonder if Jimin noticed my flustered self back their.

He looked worried.

I really feel bad leaving just like that.

"Taehyung," says a voice I wasn't expecting to hear this early. " Why are you still upstairs."

I turn to see the woman with her so called boyfriend next to her; he doesn't look smart.

"I'll go after I finish this," I say as I point at the yogurt and turn back around.

"Tch...... whatever, just hurry up," she says as she starts to walk away with her boyfriend, but stops right after. I hear no door open, so I turn slightly to see why.

"What's up Bae," her idiot boyfriend says as he tries looking all tough. She completely ignores him and just stares at me questionably.

Wait, Taehyung where did you get those clothes?" she says pointing at me.

I stop eating and freeze.
Shoot, I forgot to change from the clothes I got from Jiminie.

Hmm," I hum like I don't know what she's talking about.

"I said," she says as she takes one step closer to me."where. did. your. get. those. clothes?"

"What do mean?" I say with a little scoff to make it should like its obvious." I got it from here."

"Liar," she says as she was swiftly walks over to me and grabs me by my collar harshly, making me spill the yogurt.

I watch as the milky substance drips to the floor. Awww, my yogurt.

"I don't buy such designed clothes like that! Where did u get those clothes?" she asked me through gritted teeth with a direct look in they eye.

"I don't know wh-"

"You know your not allowed to go outside," she half yells as she shakes me roughly. I laugh at her comment.

I've been going outside behind your back for years, I think to myself. Only recently you've been catching me.

You think this is funny?"she says as she throws me to the ground then kicks me in my stomach. I chock a little from up coming mucus.

Her idiot boyfriend goes OOOHH, then says an idiot response to what's happening.

"Douchebag," I mumble with my scratchy voice. He gradually stops laughing, now walking over to me pissed. "Whatcha say to me," he says He grabs me by the collar and picks me up.

He lands a punch on me, making me fall to the ground. Two and Three of the them coming right after each other.

He then climbs over me and grabs my neck, strangling me. I grab at his hand to let me go, but his strength is monstrous. Is this brute trying to kill me?

Air becomes lesser in my lungs, and my useless struggling stops.

I turn slightly to her, and she stands there. But what was I expecting. Her to stop him, tell him not to kill the kid she's supposed to be taking care of.

Like that would happen.

My vision starts to darken, and I start to loose consciousness, but he lets go before that happens.

I breathe in heavily, trying to suck in every molecule of air there is. He get up and looks down at me with wild eyes and a vicious grin.

"Worthless trash," he says as he kicks me in the stomach just like her.

Aww look, they even have the same look of amusement in their eye when the hurt a kid.Their meant for each other.

"Go downstairs,"she says without sparing a glance at me. Don't ever go outside again.

I feel too terrible to even speak, let alone do what she actually tells me.

When I don't look like I'm going to do her order, she gets up and drags me to the basement. I have no energy to fight her grip, so I just made her job easy.

She literally throws me in, then slams the door behind her. I lie there, holding me stomach in the darkness. I'm not really bothered by this, I mean, it happens all the time.


But I am bothered by that sound. Did she just lock the door?

I stumble up the stairs, towards the door and twist the knob. It doesn't turn and I start to panic a little.

HEY!" I yell as I start to bang on the door. OPEN THE DOOR!" She doesn't respond.

Why is she going this far?

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR," I yell again, this time kicking the door. After about 10 minutes, I stop.

I slide my back down against the door, not knowing what else to do.

How long is she gonna keep me locked in? Surely it can't be forever.....right?

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