Chapter 34

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Taehyung's POV

The door creaks open, and I take my time to look up in fear that I might throw up from the nauseous knot in my stomach.

With the sunlight behind her I can only see the familiar dark figure, but my eyes catch on the shine of  the weird glint in her eyes and the strange outline of an abnormal smile.

Shivers run down my spine as this seems to be the happiest she's looked in centuries especially considering the intense mother son bonding we shared not too long ago; but it wasn't the fluffy happiness people usually experience. It had a menacing, cruel aura.

I don't feel good about it.

She walks down the creaking stairs with a little bounce in her step, and the sound of her steps are inching closer to me.

I don't like this side of her.

She stoops in front of me, watching me with her inhuman stare. I glare back, somehow still finding the strength to do so. Her smile is gone now, but the strange glint is still in her eyes.

I don't like her this close to me.

"Is that little creature named Jimin the reason you've been leaving this house for?" She grimaced at the thought, still keeping her slimy eyes on me. My glare cracks at the mention of his name, causing me to retreat my gaze to anywhere but her.

I don't like how she says his name.

"I haven't been leaving the house," I stat weakly, but I already know she knows the truth to my fragile lie. I haven't been hiding my tracks well, and I know she's hot on the trail.

Her fuse seemed to run out quick, for she manhandled my head by lifting my chin aggressively so that our eyes met. Her fingers squeeze the lower half of my face as her nails slightly dug into it.

"Hey you piece of sh!t!" She yells through gritted teeth." Did you think I didn't notice the basement door unlocked over and over again? Do you think I'm an idiot!" I get a slap to the cheek, hot and stinging.

She grabs my chin again, steading my face to look at her once more. I give her another strong glare. I just want to lie down, give up and rot away, but I'm too stubborn to let her break me that easily.

To my surprise another grin appears on her face, stretching from ear to ear like the Grinch, and for a splint second the reflection of her eyes seemed blood red.

"If I kill him, that'll mean you have no reason to leave." Her words through me off, causing complete disappear to wash over me.

Considering what she's put me through, I wouldn't take this as a bluff; she'll kill him. And if he were to die, it'll be my fault.

My sharp glare becomes cloudy like ash, falling into nothingness. I feel like I cant see. A thumping softly beats in my chest, but with all the abyss that exists inside me, I don't know where it's coming from.

I've cracked, but haven't broken, and she seems to notice, for her smile seemed to have impossibly grown wider; this is just fun to her.

She glides something across my arm, and I turn to see it's the same heated knife that inflicted so much pain before; so why doesn't it hurt.

It's slicing through my arm as she writes with it like a marker, but I don't feel the stinging sensation of my skin burning off. I feel numb. I feel tired.

No blood drips from it because it evaporates before it can escape the confinement of my skin. Everything's spinning, and my eyelids are closing. I just want to sleep. I just want to wake up next to him.

I want him to be alive every time I open my eyes.


My eyes fly open and my chin retracts into my neck. The vomit runs up my throat like water in a pipe, and shoots out like a geyser.

The acid liquid hits the ground with a splatter sound, emptying my stomach until I'm just gagging on air; knots forming in upper torso. My mouth tastes like poison. I spit out the vile remain that rest on my tongue, feeling extremely tired after.

My visions blurry, and the room isn't steady. The needle with the tube connected is jabbed into my arm like usually, meaning that its sometime in the night. I wonder how much blood I've lost already.

She seems to come and visit me again, like its timed how that woman always comes when I'm at my worst. Both of my arms burn from the cuts now, showing that they're are trying to heal what can't be fixed.

There's no point for my blood to regulate throughout my body if I"ll die in a couple hours.

I'm not looking, but I can feel her stare burning through the top of my head. "That Jimin kid is going to come," she stats calmly, this perking some senses I forgot I owned.

She starts sharpening a knife, picking it up to see how it flashes in the dark, eyeing it like a priced possession. " He looked scared, but determined. He's gonna try to take you away from me, but I want let that rat near you."

I stay quiet. Is he really going to come here. Should I really listen to her? Gosh, I'm so drowsy.


The sound is loud, drawn out, it couldn't have been missed; and it wasn't caused by just this old house aging. She knows it too, I can see it in her eyes. Someone's in the house, and it doesn't take a genius to know who.

" He's acting early. Guess that just means I'll get to kill him sooner," she laughs like it's a game, getting up with the knife tight in her grip.

My senses seemed to have come back to life, me throwing myself forward at her, pulling my weak body violently trying to get out of the bindings, even though I know it wouldn't do anything to help me free.

I start to yell, repeating his name over and over again with my lost scratchy voice, trying my best to tell him to run.

My own coughs causing me to choke on my own throat, but it doesn't stop me from trying. She clicks her tongue at my pathetic attempts, going into her box of torture to get duct tape. She pushes it on my cheek harshly, sticking it across my mouth to shut me up.

I hear more careful creaks try to make its way across the house, causing her to go and hide under the stairs with her knife at ready. Panic just completely fills up my body.

Why is he here.
Why is he here.
Why is Jimin here.
He shouldn't be here.
He can get hurt.
He can get killed.
And because of me
Because of my idiotic decision.
Because I chose to come back here.
Because I talked to him.
Because I met him.
Because I existed, Jimin's life will be nonexistent.

Before I knew it, the tears start to run down my pale cheeks. I start to bawl, but the tape is trapping my wails from ringing out; just creating muffled cries. My heart hurts, my throat is starting to burn.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault that his life's in danger.

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