Chapter 19

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Taehyung's POV

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW ME THIS EARLIER." Jiminie yells, and the sudden booming of his voice scaring the crap out of me.

Once I recover from my shock, I stay quiet for a little, wondering how I should respond this unknown side of him.

"I-I didn't think it was important," I says softly, honestly not knowing what else to say.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT," he yells again, making me flinch once more.



"S-sorry," I stutters my answer as I avoid his angry gaze.

Why am I being yelled at? I know that he cares about me but we're the same age. I'm not a little kid.

What caused this?!" He ask and I look up to see such a pained express on his usually happy face.

"Nothing," I mumble the answer, again avoid Jiminie's eyes.


But Jimin I cant tell you that something. What am I supposed to say? My caretaker and her walnut-sized brain boyfriend beat me up pretty bad, then she pitched me into a dark grimy room like trash, just to lock me up for who knows how long.

What would you think if I told you those exact words? Would you start to avoid my completely?


I stay silent and look down to my hands in my lap, starting to feel slightly desperate for this to end. What am I supposed to do, I've never seen him angry before.

He waits for my response, but when there is none, he sighs at my silence.

"Why won't you tell me Tae?" He say with a troubled but also hurt tone. "Don't you know I'm here for you?"

When he says that I gradually stopped feeling depressed and sorry because just now, I realized something. He has no right to say that.

"Jimin," I say his name seriously as I look him straight in the eye. All of a sudden I start to feel annoyed, and I know he can see it in my eyes.

"you're really a hypocrite."

He seems taken aback by my sudden words, and I can see on his face that he's questioning why I would say that.

"Your always telling me to talk to you about my problems but recently, you've been troubled by something and when I ask you wont tell me," I start arguing, and I know I'm going to start yelling because he's going to say something that'll piss me off.

He sets up his face as he processes what I said. Then he kinds of shake his head like he's shaking my words out of his brain, and I bet you he's gonna say something like that has nothing to do with this.

"What do you mean, but that's diff-," he starts, but I cut him off because I knew he was going to speak bull.

"ITS NOT DIFFERENT." I say before he can finish, clapping my hands together to get his full attention. "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT BECAUSE IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME. Why do I have to talk when you don't?"

He keeps quiet, only staring.

"Its not fair," my throat begins to hurt, but I keep going. "You make me feel terrible that I keep these things from you sometimes but in the end, you do exactly the same thing."

He looks like he wants to talk now, but I don't give him a chance.

"Why do I have to talk about my problems but you don't have to," I say, my voice starting to become a little heavy, but I swallow the heaviness so I can continue.

"I have reasons to why I don't want to tell you ok. I'm ashamed of my family, of my past, of the environment I live in, and it drains all my confidence," I say, my eyes becoming teary but that's not gonna stop me.

I didn't even know that some of these emotions existed inside of me, so I'm going to let all of it out.

"But Jimin," I persist. "you keep pushing the matter. IM SORRY, IM REALLY SORRY THAT I DONT TELL YOU EVERYTHING, but at least I tell you somethings."

He stands there with a disappointed-in-himself expression, but my intentions was never to make him feel bad. "I get you care about me," I say because I know he meant well.

" But why? Tell me why it's different for me than it is for you. I mean, can you only worry about me but I'm not allowed to worry about you? I don't think that's how friendship works.

"An-and at least I try to tell you a little about why I'm troubled or upset, but you avoid it completely."

"Am I not dependable enough?" I question as I look him in the eyes, biting my lip to keep back any tears.

"Tae," he says as he moves to comfort me, but then hesitating to touch me. I see this and it makes my heart ache terribly.

"Also, your avoiding any kind of physical contact with me." I say as I look at the ground, "Why? Did I do something that bothered you; something for you to hate me?"

"I care about what you think of me so much that it drives me crazy, so when you avoid me like that, I doubt everything about my whole existence," I slightly hug myself because I start to feel a little anxiety.

"If I was too friendly, then'll you'll think I was disgusting and start to avoid me," he says beside me, but I don't look up to see his eyes. "That's why I keep the distance."

"Did I say that?" I say, bitterness poisoning my tone.

There's a long pause before he answers. "Well- no but I tho-"

"Stop assuming how I think then Jimin!", I yell loudly. " I'm telling you this now, I'll never think badly of you! So stop avoiding me! Stop hesitating to close any gap between us, because you don't know how insecure that makes me feel when you so that!"

I jolt forward as a force bump into me. Jimin rests his head on my shoulder as his arms wrap around my waist from behind, pulling me close that I feel his body heat. His body moving as he breathes in and out. "I'm so sorry Tae," he says with a sympathetic tone. "I didn't mean to make you feel this way"

My body start to feel weak in his embrace, and my lip starts to quiver. My throats throbbing and my nose start to burn. I try to swallow the pain but it does nothing to help. Tears start to flow out of my eyes and I grit my teeth.

This is the first time I've ever let myself cry.

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