Chapter 2

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Jimin's POV
Since school is out, my parents rented a cabin is the woods for the summer; saying that it would be a good experience for me.

I didn't mind and believe it or not, I was actually extremely excited to stay somewhere different for a change.

It's not like I don't like where I'm living, its a great neighborhood, but I don't really have any friends and it gets boring after awhile.

Most of the other boys my age are shut-ins; only playing video games or watch TV the whole day.

I enjoy going out and admiring the world. Plus, none of them are interested in photography like I am.


When we finally reach the cabin I decide to help out a little by carrying some of the boxes inside.

But I start to grow impatient after carrying in a few of them.

As soon as I set down my last box I grab my camera and dart for the door, passing my dad at lightning speed.

"Be careful and have fun champ," I hear him holler at me.

Then I sprint past my mom as she continues to take out boxes out of the car.

"Don't come back too late," she says in a worried tone as I slow down, gawking  at how enormous the woods were.

"I'll be back soon" I shout excitedly over my shoulder as I set foot into, what feels like, a whole new world.

I adventure further into the forest, admiring everything that my young eyes were seeing for the first time.

The variety and different shades of colors flow across my vision ; My hands grip firm, readying on my camera as I take pictures at everything that catches my attention.

Just when I decide that I have taken enough pics for the day and was about to head back, I spot a worn out gray color in the corner of my eye.

Letting my curiosity take complete control over me, I don't hesitate to walk over to investigate it.

I push some bushes out of the way, trying to get a better look at the strange blob of gray.

When I finally got closer I realized that it was an old abandoned car. Vines with beautiful wild flowers were draping over it, changing the bland rusted metal for the better by adding color to it.

Adding life.

My gaze then shifts up from the car when I realize that their wasn't any tree's shade covering me. The sight I saw after that was astonishing.

It was a vast land of summer grass with a humongous old tree in the middle.

I noticed that there was a figure in the tree. 

A person. A boy

He was staring up at the sky, looking like he was dreaming about a distant land.

The scene before me seemed unreal; like, it was part of some fairytale, where he was a princess stuck in the tree, patiently waiting for someone to save him. I take a picture, savering  the magical moment into my cameras memory.

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