Chapter 40

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A/n: oml this chapter so longgg

Jimin's POV

A bundle of days had passed since the time my world started to turn again. I can't explain, the happiness and gratitude I felt when he finally opened his eyes from his long motionless slumber. He was alive during that dragged out long period, though in that state, he wasn't living.

Don't get me wrong, things are great now, it's just, it's not as good as it used to be. Even though time had finally unfroze for the both of us, an everlasting permafrost stayed as the after math.

Something felt like it was cut so deeply in our lives that even if it healed, the pain would still haunt us.

For hours in that white room, we would chatter away at the most random thing, getting back into the natural flow of being in each other's company.

Taehyung's odd shaped smile that instantly made me feel at ease, how I've missed it. He would smile that soft smile and his laugh was always addicting, and like a domino effect, it'll cause me to do the same. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with him at the start.

But to me, even when I truly laughed these days, it didn't sound as bright, not as loud, not as cheerful. It's the exact laugh I've heard since years before now; I recognise it like the back of hand, but now it just sounds more washed out; Duller.

It was like a black fog was just surrounding us and clogging my vocal cords, and at times it felt like the whole scene was unreal.

Was I becoming ill?

I'm not sure.

But as the days progress, I noticed that things haven't been the same with it's care-free feeling, especially for him. Taehyung's darkness grew.

There are times when Taehyung would get startled, more than he should be. When the doctor or nurses would try to touch him to change his bandages twice a day; he would stiffen and quiver violently. At first, he would look horrified, like how children are with strangers.

Then he started to struggle during these, evolving to full out attacking them.

The first time I saw him like that, I wasn't in the room at the time, but I was walking in. He was so hostile, like an animal that hated the human kind. He never acted like that in front of me before, and something broke in me when I saw him like that.

Time ticked minutes slower than it's regular speed. I would catch everything in the moment. How he looked scared to death but still fierce when they were too close to him, and how frightened the nurses were as they watched him.

That day, another nurse softly but forcefully pushed me out of the room. I was there by myself, while my mom was somewhere else filling out some important documents that I had no clue were about. I was alone, and I was useless. I didn't know how to help him.

A few anxious minutes later, they called me in. What all happened not too long ago, even when he woke up after sleeping for a week, felt like it was just a imaginary cognition thought up by my mind. He was still, too stationary that I could barely see his chest rising and dropping as he breathed.

They said they drugged him, that they didn't want to since his wounds were still healing and he was too young, but it had to be done. They asked me for my assistance after that day. I would distract him when they'd come up behind and stick the needle in his arm. His smile would slowly fade, and his eyes would falter on the border of being close and open, until they just completely shut.

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