Chapter 43

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A/n: honestly I was stuck on how to write this chapter for so long, Btw can someone explain the Wattys thing to me. Plz and thank you.

Taehyung's POV

A shadowed intersection where two walls collide, on a stone cold wooden floor, can be more comforting than a luxurious bed, warmer than a fancy fireplace, and more reassuring than any human's kindness.

I've found out that when you join civilisation, it's more heartaches than just being alone, and I don't think it's worth it, considering how you might become after.

For me, it feels like I'm more miserable than living in that grimy solitude I once stayed in. The wounds from my mother were always temperamental pains anyway, but the cut Jimin struck through my heart, can stay for-everlasting without a cure.

Maybe I should've just let her take me to where my dad is.

The room gradually begins to fills with darkness, its claw like feature creeping closer and closer towards me; ripping away the little light. The windows are smothered by a grey overcast, and with this, smothering my already blurry eye sight.

I don't want to stay here.

My vulnerable head dips in place between my knees, my arms wrapping firmly around my legs; its the suffocating sensation that you get from it that's reassuring.

The bandages wrapped against my burnt wounds become pressured by my actions, trying to and successfully hurting me, but I dont care. This position helps.

It feels like no one will be able to take your breath away to use for their own desires.

Uncontrollable tears had slipped my eyes to run down my face; all the crying made it a struggle to draw out breathes.

Now, dry tears stain my swollen cheeks for the few hours that I've wept, making my facial features become stiff. But not like it affected anything, considering it was only one pitiful expression I've been letting get by.

The worst thing though, is that even though I show this one indecent emotion that blemishes my face, it's not the only one that's corrupting me from the inside out. There's too many to count, all of them continuously growing like a plague spreading and taking over. It's overwhelming.

If all of these multiplying nuclear emotions tangle up inside me to created one chaotic chemical reaction, will I eventually implode. Will it become too much pressure on my god-forsaken soul to handle.

I think it's already set to play out. I mean, what else could I be going through right now at the moment. I feel like a jumbled up mess.

A mind, body, and soul; the three pillars that I thinks makes a person an individual. Mine, are crumbling quick.

My body was the first to be attacked and broken, the physical wounds carved into them by my mother cruelness to become lasting evidence; leaving my mind and soul to stand without their partner. I don't know when they will be scarred like my body, but the time is drawing near.

I've become so frail after the numerous faults that cornered me into use my strong side, that if it continues on like this, my protective shield will eventually break; I'll eventually break entirely.

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