Chapter 11

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Jimin's POV

What just happened?
Why was Tae like that?
Why did he look so pained?

Why did he look so hurt?
Why did he pass out?
Why did he tell his mom not to hurt him?

Why did I not know what was happening to him?

Unlike the other question, this is very simple to answer; It even answers the reasons for the other questions.

Its because I know nothing about him.

"Hey, sweetie," my mom says as she snaps me out of deep thoughts.

I stop from pasting back and forth to look at her. Her face spells worried, but she puts on a little smile to try and make me calm down.

"He's fine you know. All he needs is some sleep. It's just exhaustion," my moms says as she looks at Tae.

I look over at him, with his eyes closed as he peacefully sleeps on my bed.

I want to believe her words because it would make me feel less anxious about this whole situation, but what just happened wasn't a simple case of exhaustion.

She was not there when a split second of fear crossed his face when he saw the scar on his back.

She wasn't their when he dropped to his knees and covered his ears to a sound only he could hear.

She didn't see all the different emotions flow through him when he said something about his mother.

She wasn't there, so she can't know for sure if he is really okay.

But I can't say that I know how his condition is either. Like I said before, I don't know him as well as I thought.

I'm going to start making dinner for you guys," she says as she gets up from her chair, rubs my head, and walks out of the room.

I sit where she was, next to the bed, and just stare at him. Why does he look so peaceful in such a scary situation.

I rest my head on the bed and just close my eyes.

Being friends isn't just a simple knowledge of what their favorite color is, or their birthday then.

Anyone could learn that information. Before I can be his best friend, I have to understand him, so that I can be their for him.

The moments of his panic attack plays in sections in my mind, each echoing louder than the other.

Please, don't hurt me....... mom.

TaeTae, what happened in your past to make you like this? Would you even tell me if I ask, or would you not trust me because I seem like a stranger to you.

I just don't know what our relationship is, and that scares me.

"Hey Jiminie," Taetae says as he says tapping my shoulder, startle me quite a bit.

I look up at him, and it takes my brain a few minutes to process what was happening." Oh," I say finally coming to my senses." How are you feeling."

" Fine," he says as he starts to get off the bed, but I stop him before he can get up.

"You should lay in bed a little longer," I say worriedly, pushing back to lie down.

"I'm fine you know," he says as he grabs my hand, stopping me from pushing him down.

"Stop worrying, I was just tired," he says in attempt to make me stop worrying, but I'm still worried about him.

He and my mom say it was just exhaustion, but is that really true. I'm asking so much questions because I'm unsure about all of this. I don't want to be unsure anymore.

Hey Tae," I say looking him directly in the eye,"can u tell me about your past?"

He looks at me a little flustered," ....... why do you want to know something like that all of a sudden?" he says after a few minutes of wondering.

"I..... want to be.... a better friend," I say quietly." I want to understand you more."
"Yeah but you know plenty about m-", he says putting his hand on my head, but I cut him off.

"That's just information I can ask someone about. I want to know what only you can answer. I want to know the real you. Your past. Your memories. I want to share them with you, so I can be there for you."

He looks and me, but says nothing; unsureness on his face.

"Would you please tell me." I say pleading.

He sees the desperation in my eyes, and takes a deep breathe before giving in.

"Alright Jiminie," he says as he sits back down."I'll tell you."

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