Chapter 50

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Jimin's POV

Taehyung and I fucked last night when he came to my room.

A/n: SIKE I'm only playin. Btw u people are too nice for me I can't, anyway now the actual story .

Jimin's POV

 Jimin's POV

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Its raining.

Why does it have to rain.

I really hate it.

It only brings forth misery.

I'm home, well, it's more like a place that's has a roof over my head then anything like home, because once again, my parents are nowhere to be seen.

It's always the same.

They seem to always vanish when the weather is in a bad mood, causing me to withstand against its hostile behaviour by myself.

Always leaving me alone.

But it's nothing new to me, besides, with their absence, the loud and frequent arguing disappears.

The thunder my mother and father creates, seizes.

Since the first time this yelling plagued our days and interrupt the sweet peace of home, tension has quickly engulfed us and it's becoming so suffocating to me.

It makes my voice, become inaudible; mute.

Before we moved here, I remember they promised we'd be more like a family, and that goal started off great.

But I've found out that sometimes, promises don't last.

I've felt what I've been missing after those couple days of dedication to become a perfect family, and now that it's crumbling underneath itself, I fear that we'll become more distant that before.

My mum still shows me so much affection, and telling me how much she loves me is an every day routine she does, but she's not as playful, not as joyful as she was before the past few days.

She's more quiet, smiling and laughing much less than before, like the child inside her lost some reason to be happy.

The smiles she always gives me are false, an artificial sense of security, and I'm just as fake, returning that smile with the same amount of calculated facial cringing.

I don't know how to make that security become real for her, and I only wish I was a better son.

With my dad, I haven't had a proper conversation or confrontation in almost 6 month with him. It's like we live in different worlds, our lives never intersecting.

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