Chapter 38

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Taehyung's POV

The void.

That's all that surrounds me.

There's no tiny glint of light that smuggles it's way into the dark blankets of the basement from the entrance, nor was there the dangling half lit lightbulb that never could decide if to live or die with its constant blinking.

There is no feeling.

The body that has been attached to me for all my life can come off as something made up by my own imagination. Skin, muscle, even every organ that supposibly kept me alive have disintegrated into nothingness, yet I still have some sort of inner conscious. So...

Had I pass out again?


Or did I finally die?

...Most likely.

Everything's foggy and although I can't recall much, a gruesome episode haunts me continuously.

It just replays.

Over and over again.

Was the movie tape broken so it only projected the same exact scene in the movie theatre, causing the same clip to play endlessly. Or had someone rigged a vintage ballerina jewellery box so she was trapped dancing to her own wretched melody.

What ever it was, it recited the exact moments nonstop. It was like a merry go round created to never stop, but non of the sight was merry. It wasn't a dream, but a nightmare in a loop...

It was my living nightmare in a loop.

And with everything that people watch continuously, the more you view it, the more you notice things in further detail.

I don't want to remember.

It plays things that I don't even remember witnessing, but was probably aware of. It starts with the persons finger squeezing on the trigger effortlessly, the aimed gun firing the bullet in painfully slow motion, and that bullet piecing the victim's skull like the iceberg through the titanic.

Keen, uncomplicated, and fatal.

I watch the remaining living silhouette use one hand to drag their long hair behind their ear, as the other hand descends with the gun to their side since they're job was finished.

A smile of pure happiness danced onto their face from the sight, the little blood splatter from their victim semi on them and the gallons of blood staining their soul for ending another human's life.

Terrible shivers possessing me when their fuzzy and contorted face turned to my direction, making they're blood-curdling smile gleam in the foggy atmosphere.

Fright arising inside of my body with it curling and twisting my organs as the entity is right next to me and I can't see them due to the closeness. Their cold breathe whispering such simple words in my ear, but it was enough to make my blood run inhumanly cold.

Then the bullet is fired again, and everything happens exactly the same, getting more gory, gruesome, and horrid the longer it plays.

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