Chapter 10

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(A/n: my teacher put BTS on the board for me and I was literally dying😆😆)

Jimin's POV

My soggy clothes stick to my skin as it drags me down.

TaeTae and I finish up putting the  equipment away. I shut the door of the shed and Tae and I start making our way to the cabin.

The light of the afternoon sun shines an autumn color through the silhouettes of the trees.

The tree shadows lay on the front of the cabin door.

I knock on the door and hear footsteps with a "coming" from behind it's walls.

A cold whisper of wind hits our wet skin, and Tae starts to shiver from its touch.

My mom opens the door with a smile on her face, but it changes when she sees our condition.

"Why are you guys drenched?"

I go to answer but she cuts me off.

"Just come in and dry up. You'll get a cold."

She moves aside and we step into the cabin. "I'll get you a change of clothes."

I look around and notice that my dad isn't where he usually hangs out.

"Where's dad ?" I question when my mom comes back.

"He had to do some things for his work." She says as she hands Tae and I some clothes.

These days he has had intense phone calls; also coming home super late in the nights. He's been so busy lately, I haven't gotten time to see him.

"Oh, you can change first," I say to Tae who looks like he would turn into an ice cube any second.

"What are u talking about Jimin," my mom says." Why don't both go in and change?"

I go to say something but Tae cuts me off. This is the second time today that I've been cut off.

"Yeah if you stay in those clothes any longer your gonna get sick you know."

"Uh......... sure then," I say hesitantly.

Why am I so nervous, we're both guys anyways.

I try to face the other direction but for some reason I couldn't resist taking a peek at him.

He moves carefully and gracefully, as he picks up the change of clothes and lays the wet ones on the ground.

He so skinny that he looks like you will can break his bones if you hug him too tight.

My gaze fixates on the center of his back, and my awe becomes curiosity.

How did u get that scar," I suddenly ask.

He flinches a little from my voice but turns to face me."What scar," he says with questionable eyes.

"What do u mean, you have a giant scar on your back," I say like he was joking, but he genuinely looked confused.

Did he really not know?

Go look," I tell him as I shake my head in the direction of the mirror.

He goes in front of the mirror and stares at the scar. It's was just sitting their between his shoulder blades.

His expression stays the same as he continues to stare aimlessly at it. Then wonder found it way onto his face.

He was questioning how this mysterious mark ended up on his back.

He takes a moment of realization, then sudden fear hits him. He starts to tremble, shaking rapidly.

He holds his head in pain as he drops to his knees.

HEY TAE, YOU OK?!" I yell as I rush over to his side as he has his sudden panic attack. He covers his ears roughly, trying to block out a sound that I could not hear.

GET AWAY," Tae says as he pushes me roughly away. He continues to block his ears, with his eyes closed tightly.

Then, he goes silent. He opens his eyes  as he lets go of covering his ears, and a single tear runs down his cold cheek as he turns to me.

"Don't hurt me......... mom," he says with a pleading smile, as he collapses to the ground.

(Idek anymore.....I might rewrite this chapter)

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