Chapter 27

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  A/n: I'll also try to get an update done by Saturday/Sunday. U guys this chapter xbdihdusbs ahhhhhhh just.... read

Jimin's POV

"You know, I wouldn't mind living off of apple pie," he stats, licking it off his fingers with the area around his mouth a complete mess of the apple filling.

"You eat like a baby," I chuckle, grabbing a napkin and wiping his face. "And yeah, I wouldn't mind too especially if it's yours."

He beams proudly at my statement; wiping his mouth draws my attention to his plumped lips, and I unconsciously lick my own. He formed some words with his mouth, but I was under a spell and heard nothing of what he said.

"Hey, listen!" He said, hitting my arm which literally slapped me out of the trance, causing my gaze to fly up from his lips to his eyes.

"Was it really that delicious?" he asked eagerly bringing his face closer to mine, wanting more praise like a puppy.

I retract my head in response and gulp hard.

He's so close.

But why am I so nervous if we're usually this close, actually closer than this. Is it because we're face to face? That never used to bother me before though, so why do I feel so flustered right now?

Taehyung seemed to realize the closeness between us because his smile faded and he immediately pulled back.

I think he also sensed my uncomfortableness causing him to move away, which started to bother me because I made things a little awkward.

"Well I didn't find a thumb in it so yeah, it was good,"my response was kinda late to his question.

He snapped back to his obnoxious self in the speed of a bullet from my little comment.

"Good?" He almost laughed as though it's not even a real word that came out of my mouth. "Please.....just a second ago you said it was delicious as you basically drooled over it."

"If I said that why did you ask again", I questioned even though I clearly knew the answer. He wanted the praise.

"I wanted to be praised again," he says like a character reading my thoughts as the script.

I playfully rolled my eyes. Knew it.

"So in the end, you and I will be able to survive alone on just my apple pie", he wraps up our conversation with a conclusion.

"Yeah," I agreed but then I thought about it.
"What about meat though?"

He let my question sink in for a second, and his answer showed no hesitation. "Screw my apple pie meat is life."

I shake my head yes like he just said the most infiring thing in the world.

"Why are we even having this conversation," I asked, realizing that what we're talking about is such a useless subject.

Because we're weirdos," he answered right away, getting up to take something else out of the basket.

Hmm.....That's makes sense.

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