Chapter 35

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A/n: Do you guys want a character Q&A? Lol This actually might help me in character plot holes. If yeah Ill just put I question thing at the bottom.

Jimin's POV

I couldn't wait.

The biting, nagging feeling didn't let me go into deep slumber so that I could've woken up with the sunlight streaming through my blinds in the morning.

It didn't let me think straight or logically, because I wouldn't be doing something like this at this hour.

Grabbing my flashlight so my vision can work in the dark, I head for my door. When it squeaks like an alarm that alerts anyone that I'm trying to sneak out, I silently curse and decide to go another route.

Escaping out through my window in the pitch black darkness of night as my cover was crazy, but I still anxiously head to where I know he is.

My foot steps are quick but cautious, careful that I might trip on an unwanted root sticking up.

The bushes rustle, and while I'm walking I ponder on if it's me making the noise or something that I can't see. In the end the though just causes my footsteps to quicken.

I turn the flashlight on in the process, making sure everything looks familiar and I'm not aimlessly walking somewhere to get lost. When I know I'm close to the house, I turn it off to keep my cover.

Practically crawl up to the doorstep, like a predator trying to sneak up on it's prey, I stare at the door and the second time tonight, I mentally curse to myself.

I don't have a bobby pin with me. I gave it to Tae, and that's how I got in the first time. My mind starts to pick up it's pace, trying to think of a way to solve this problem.

I remember the little window I communicating with him when he got locked in the basement, and I instantly make my way to the back of the house.

My hopes had risen when I thought about even a chance of seeing his face after what felt like forever, but starts to disintegrate when I realize its boarded up.

Then fear slowly pulses through my blood, circulations in my body to where I feel like I can start shaking any minute.

My thoughts go to darker places than the thick woods right now, conjuring up different scenarios that has my blood turning white on me.

I try thinking positively on why I haven't seen or heard from him in five days, pushing the possibility that he hates my guts for kissing him to the far corner of my mind, but it's so much easier to think negatively in this situation.

Pondering here at the blocked off window does nothing to help me get in, so I decide get myself under control, cut off my thoughts, and travel back to the front of the house.

I genuinely stare at the front door wondering what to do for a good few minutes that if anyone saw me they would think I was trying to open it with my mind.

How would I get it open? I can try using a twig but I feel like it would break and jam the door lock. What if I....... no that's too good to be true..... but it...... doesn't hurt to try right?

I rest my grip on the doorknob, turning it enough to hear a click; the closed space between the frame and door spreading.

What the hell, that was so easy. Have I been overthinking my whole life or something?

I push it open more so that I can fit through, and just like yesterday the door creaks with every distance it travels.

The entrance seems to stretch before me, long with a trapping look, like if you walk in you might not be able to find ur way out due to the navy blue color that sits in the atmosphere.

I hesitantly set a foot down on the dark interior wood of the house, and immediately raise it up after it released an intense creaking sound.

Each step I take I try to make them light and unnoticeable, but it rings out with all the creaking the boards are making; and it makes me cringe at the loudness.

I past the kitchen on the right, continuing down the hall to four doors and basement door at the end.

I'm not sure why I felt the urge to peak tbrough a door that was ajar, with slight neon blue reflecting out from the crease, but curiosity striked hard.

It was alluring like a siren whispering my name, and like a sailor, I went in head of heels. The door emits a squeak as I push it open, but I just ignored it.

Instead my attention was caught by some sort of....capsule, with a icy blue liquid filled to the brim, and a dark oddly shaped oval in it.

I looked around the room, with a messy master bed in the middle and a small tv in front of it.

My steps go further into the new section of the house, and to my relief this wood seemed newer than the one outside, for it didn't squeak a peep at all.

The glowing tank appeared like it could blind you by how luminescent it was against the dark contrast.

I stare at the silhouette in the container, and the object seemed to have throbbed ever so slightly that you could've missed it.

My eyes widen as a realization hits me, and my breathing feels like it got caught in my throat do to my fright.

My hand shakes by my side, and a nauseating feeling washes over me when I think about it. I've seen it so many times in textbooks in science class, so I know what it looks like.


Why is...

A human heart in there.


A/n: Questions?

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