Chapter 3

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'Taehyung's POV

I stop, taking one last peek at him over my shoulder; his back is to me, as he walks in the complete opposite direction.

I turn my gaze forward, continuing to walk towards the shadows; about to leaving the warm sun's touch, out of my reach.

I reach the trees, as they chop up the giant amount of sun's light into different sized prices.

That guys eyes are too innocent I instantly thought after leaving the sun's direct warmth behind.

he's naive.

A small chuckle escapes my lips.

but I'm just as naive for agreeing to be his friend.

If having him as a friend was the smartest idea, I really don't know; but I saw something in him.

He might be naïve, but he seems trustworthy.

He doesn't seem like he would abandon me. A smile find its way across my face, but I wipe it off just as fast.

I snap myself out of this wishful thinking.

Look at me, saying all these things like I've known the guy for so long. He's a total stranger that I met only minutes ago, so why do I trust him so easily.

Was it because he was nice to me, or maybe because he showed me a warm smile that I've been longing to see?

I can't explain it.

He probably didn't think much about it though.

I suddenly winced in pain as I step on something sharp; snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

Snapping me back into reality.

I felt the darkness threaten to creep up on me before, but I didn't pay attention to the warning.

Now it tears at me, making the hairs on my skin stand. Giving me shivers down my spine.

I look up at the sky, hoping that my only bright ally is still there, watching over me; But he's no where to be found.

I turn pale, my throat turning dry.

This is bad.

I start to sprint; like vicious dogs are chasing me, going after my throat.

I weave through the trees, trying my hardest to not fall. Twigs scratch my skin and rip little tears in my clothes.

I suddenly step wrong, slipping on a steep slop, completely throwing off my momentum.

My hands catch me from having a face full of dirt. That fall definitely left a wound, but my adrenaline numbs the pain for the time being.

I get back up, digging my bare feet into the dirt as I struggle to get up the slope. I continue running, tripping but not falling, as the cold concrete walls starts to come into view.

When I finally reach that house, my breathing is heavy and its already dark.

I'm too late.

All I can do is pray that something happened, that she had to stay back late. I open the door slightly, peeking inside.

The place is pitch black, but that's nothing new. I can just about make out silhouettes in the dark, and I notice a pair of well-known white shoes.

My heart sinks. shes here.

I carefully open the door all the way, hoping that the hinges don't squeak and sell me out.

I see a light emitting from a room; Its  definitely the TV and I know she's sitting down in front of it.

Trying to sneak in as quietly as I can, I start tip toe my way across the floor.

To get to where I need to be is beyond that room, and I know that I'm trying to pull a mission impossible here.

I start to make my way passing the room she's in, all the muscles in my body, tensed. I peek in through the crack in the door, making sure that she wasn't looking in my direction.

She sits there, wine bottles everywhere, just aimlessly staring at the moving pictures on the screen; her hair being super messy and her eyeliner smudge under her eyes.

That wretched woman probably got dumped by her good-for-nothing boyfriend again. She's is always the worst when she's drunk.

I finally made it out of her sight range, relief washing over my tensed body.

I reach for the door that I'm supposed to be on the other side right now, taking a step forward, not bothering to be careful.

But that was the biggest mistake in my life as a floor board squeaks loudly under my weight. Frozen in place, I slowly turn towards the room, terrified at what might occur.

"Taehyung!" She yells my name in an ear splitting scream, making me start to break into a cold sweat.

Before I can even consider darting through the door, she comes out with a bottle in hand, her miserable eyes land on me. Then she comes closer, wobbling towards me.

"You ungrateful brat!" she yells as she slaps me full force across my face, while trying to keep herself up right in the process.

I fall against the floor hard, knocking my back into the wall. My cheek becomes swollen and the pain stings my left eye.

She starts to yell at me, taking a drink from her bottle between words, and crying her eyes dry; but I just block her out.

I did nothing wrong. She wants to keep me here, in the darkness, like a caged bird.

I'm never allowed to leave the house, that's why I'm stuck here, but I don't want that.

I want the breathe the fresh air, see the vibrant colors of the world.

make friends.

But this woman wants to deprive me of my humanity, so that's why, I just did nothing wrong.

I sit there, on the cold, hard floor, emotionless as she yells at me, telling me cruel words that ive gotten so use too by now that it feels numb to my ears.

When shes done yelling in my face, she goes back into the room that she appeared from.

I simply get up and grab an ice pack from he freezer. Ive gotten use to this, I know the drills. This has happened so many times, I know what to do automatically without thinking about it.

I open the door to the end of the hallway, leading to the basement.

I walk down the stairs, trying my hardest not to slip. A dim light hangs from the ceiling, flickering. Water, drips from cracks in the pipes.

My cold hard mattress greeting my body as I lay down. The cut on my hands and the hard slap on my cheek, burns.

The ice pack leakes on my cheek, the droplets looking like tears. I will not cry though, because crying shows that your weak.

That kid's smile comes into my mind. Jimin I think was his name.

Again, thinking about him lightens my heart.

I close my eyes with a smile spreading across my face, but I don't bother snapping myself out of this wishful thinking this time.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to see him"

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