Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

Taetae (my little nickname for Taehyung) and I started to hang out more after that day.

Sometimes we'd meet at the tree that we first discovered each other, but he'd usually meets me at our cabin.

At first he seems cold, like he'd ignore your very existence, but once your get to know him, he's a lot of fun to hang out with.

After we spend some time talking and goofing around for many days, I  found out that we actually have a lot in common.

We're the same age although I'm older than him by 2 month; yet he's taller than me. Like how unfair.

He also likes photography, though he would rather admire it than be the one taking the photos. But it still makes me happy that we have that in common.

Who's calling me?
Is it TaeTae?

" JIMIN," someone yells. It's not him.

My mom hollers my name loudly, disturbing my peaceful slumber. "TIME TO GET UP!"

"FIVE MORE MINUTES!" I yell back as I get myself comfortable again and go back to sleep.

But who am I kidding. By five minutes, I really mean another two hours.


My eyes flash open and I literally jump out of bed, like I just remembered unfinished homework that was due today.

I start to undress, pulling off my pajamas in seconds. I put on the first pants and shirt in my sight, then I grab my camera from my dresser.

I then rush into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face in under a minute.

When I come out into the main room I see my mom and TaeTae having a conversation. Ill just mind my own business and go make toast then.

My toast was about finished when I hear my mom say," Do u wanna here a funny story about Jimin."

I do this kinda sharp turn in her direction like a bloodhound, and start to glare daggers.

When my name is mention, then it becomes my business.

"When he was in kindergarten, we went to the zoo, and he threw u-"

"HEY TAETAE!!!~~~~," I say running up to them before she can go any farther with the story.

Id rather die than let him hear that embarrassing moment in my life.

"Mom, don't you have something to do," I say trying to give her a reason to leave.

"But I didn't finish the story y-"

"Oh your busy, then we'll just leave then," I say as I grab TaeTae's wrist and drag him out the door; pushing the toast in my mouth through all of this.

"Bye Mrs. Park," TaeTae says as he waves backwards.

"Bye Tae sweetie," my mom says as she closed the door with a giggle like she feels young again for giving Taehyung a nickname.

Since when has Tae and my mom become best friends? We walk towards the shed full of tools

"Um..... Jiminie," TaeTae says behind me as we reach the shed." You can let go now."

I questioned what he's talking about for a second, then I noticed that I was still gripping  his wrist.

"Oh... Yeah sorry," I say as I let go and do this kind of awkward laugh.

Opening the doors to the shed, I start to look through the piles of different equipment.

"DANG," TaeTae says loudly; startling me a little. I look back at him and he's looking around in astonishment.

"Have you not seen these kinda tools before, "I say as I turn back to continue looking for what we need.

"Nope. First time,"

"Doesn't your dad use them?" I question. It goes quiet for a second, and I turn again to see if TaeTae was even listening.

I can tell that he definitely heard me because he was staring directly at me. When we make eye contact though, he shifts his gaze to the side.

"He....kind of left me when I was...young ," he says hesitantly.

"Oh I'm.... Sorry," I say, not knowing what else to say in this kind of situation.

"No, it's fine," he says with a weak smile and laugh as he starts to play with his hair." I was told that he had  an affair with another woman and just, left his family behind. I don't remember much about him though, so I don't know if it's actually true; but it doesn't matter."

I look up at him , but he just avoids my worried eyes. I didn't know this happened in his life.

"Anyway," he says with a cough, trying to change the subject. "Did you find what you needed?"

"Not yet," I say still looking." I found the bait but I just can't find the fishing rod."

"Wait, you mean this," TaeTae says as he comes closer to me, reaching above me and grabbing it off the wall.

"It was here the whole time," he says with disbelief that I didn't notice it. 

I press my lips together and exhale heavily through my nose, face palming at my own blindness.

"Did you seriously not see it," he says as he starts to grin, making his face look like a meme troll face.

I stay quiet for some time, not wanting to answer that question, but he takes my silence as a yes.

"You Idiot," he says as he starts to laugh at my stupidity.

"YAH, SHUT UP," I say super embarrassed as I giving him a shove. "Let's just go already"

"Jiminie you always make me laugh," he says as he follows me out the shed.

"Well, I'm not sure if that's a  compliment or an insult." I say rather upset.

"Oh don't worry," he says with a smile on his face as he puts his arm on my shoulder." It's definitely a good thing."

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