Chapter 4

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Taehyung POV

I wake up to someone gently stroking my hair.

"U won't abandoned me, right" the person says heartbrokenly. There voice sounded familiar but at the same time, it was unfamiliar.

I say something but I don't hear the words come out my mouth; I move my hands to reach out to them but they don't make it into my line of sight.

They're chained up. My Vision blurs again as my heavy eyes close and I fall back into a deep sleep.


She shakes me rough.

I open my eyes quick, startled by her sudden morning actions.

Before I can even question what was happening, I get a hard kick to the stomach.

"Wake up you stupid brat,"she yells with a cigarette in one hand and dress in the other.

After suffering from the burst of pain that was sent through me, I shoot her a hateful glare; but she just ignores it.

"Get up and put this one, "she throws the dress at me, too fancy looking to belong to us.

"We have to meet my mother and she despises men."

"But I'm a guy, I say confused,"and a dress isn't going to change that fact."

She squats down so we were at eye level. Grabbing my chin forcibly, she brings my face closer as she looks me up and down.

"You have a pretty face,"she says with the smoke escaping her lips, hitting me directly in my face.

"And your scrawny,"she grabs my arm and starts to squeeze it. "She always thought you were a girl anyway."

Her face turns into a scowl in a split second,"I despise you too"she says with disgust as she brutally pushes my face away while getting up.

Without sparing a second glance, she vanishes up the stairs and out of my sight.

"Well all men despise you. That's why your boyfriend dumped you again,"I say in my mind because I don't dare say it to her face.

The icepack from last nights's incident; All of the ice, completely melted, making the hard mattress damp.

I look at the palm of my hands, trying to see how bad the bruise was from yesterday's fall.

It was tinted red, swollen from the impact; and on one hand a piece of my skin was scraped off from the rough terrain.

I touch my cheek that was slapped, the swelling went down but It still stings.

Moving my hand carefully so that I wouldn't hurt it, I start to put on the pink, frilly dress over my own raggedy clothes.

When Im finished I head for stairs, but stop suddenly when I remember I was supposed to meet that Jimin kid today.

I start to panic. He'll be waiting for a no show.

And I'll be breaking my promise to him. I don't want that.

"Taehyung!" She yells from upstairs but I hear her clearly like she was in the room with me, "hurry Dafuq up!"

I make my way up the stairs, trying to not trip over this stupid dress while worrying about what I was going to do.

When I reach the top she's already by the front door, ready to leave. I follow her outside, finally seeing the sunlight for the day.

She starts to walk in a different direction from where I met Jimin. I fidget with my hands, trying to find the write words to say.

"D-Do I really...have to go," I barely mumble but it seems like she heard every word I just said because she suddenly stops in her tracks.

She turns sharply, slowly coming closer to where I was standing. She stands right in front of me, breathing cigarette smoke into my face once again.

"Why," an evil smirk starts to spread across her face as she makes dead eye contact with me,"does worthless trash like u want to go somewhere."

I glare at her for the insult; the plan of sprinting away crosses my thoughts. But I guess she can read minds because her smirk disappears as she immediately grabs my wrist.

With one swift move she turns around,  yanking me forward with her; her grip, firm as steel.

I stumble forward as she guides me through the wood, leading me somewhere I don't know.

I stare at the ground, cursing myself out for not running before she grabbed me.

I wanted to see him today; get to know more about him than just his name.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we finally stop and I look up to see where she had taken me.

A fancy car is parked right in front of us, too intimidating looking to make me want to get close to it.

A person sits in front of the wheel, staring at their phone. My feet hesitate to move any closer so she starts dragging me towards it.

She quickly swings the back door open and throws my inside, closing the door roughly behind me. I rub my wrist at the pain of her clench and happen to look up to see the driver look at me with surprised eyes.

Then she goes to the front, getting into the car at the same speed that she threw me in.

We sit there for a few seconds as the driver starts the car.

"Drive you idiot," she says harshly to the man behind the wheel. He shoots her a look but just like me, he doesn't dare try to pick a fight with her, so he stays quiet.

The trees start to move, or rather we are moving. I stare out the window as I see my chances of making a new friend slip out of my hands. He'll probably think that I don't want to be friends with him.

I lean my head against the window as I stare at the sky. He probably didn't think about it as a big deal though. Maybe he doesn't even care if we are friends.

I start to close my eyes, tiredness suddenly hitting me like a brick, as I feel the car moving me to a different location.

Leaving a waiting Jimin behind, I travel towards an area I am not familiar with.

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