Chapter 20

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Taehyung cried.

And while he cried I held him tight in my embrace, trying to get my feeling though to him.

Let him know I was sorry for causing him to doubt our relationship.

And as the tears rolled down his flushed cheeks in endless streams, he would hit me in the chest with weak punches from the little strength he had, saying things like "stupid Jimin" amongst his heartbreaking wails.

I would stroke his soft dark brown hair as I whisper sorry to him, and he would sniff harshly and continue to bawl.

This lasted for some time.

But soon, his cries became lesser, his punches became non existent, and his breathing became lighter with an occasional hiccup interrupting its flow; His chest barely moving up and down and the feeling of his heart beating at a steady rate.

With Taehyung sleeping soundly in my arms, you wouldn't be able to tell that a few minutes ago he was crying his heart out.

But one or two little tears would escape from his closed eyes, and I would wipe it away with my finger before it was even halfway down his cheek.

I let him sleep on me for some time until I needed to use the restroom.

I tried to ignore it because I didn't feel like moving but after some time, nature was calling and it just couldn't be ignored.

Carefully, I try moving him off of me but even though he's sleeping, his grip on my shirt was like iron.

After many, many....... many attempts , I was finally able to pry his grip off of me.

How can someone have so much strength in there sleep?!?

When I return, I notice that he changed his sleeping position a little.

I chuckle as I get closer, giggling at his face cringing as he seemed bothered by something in his sleep.

His mouth seemed to faintly open, like he was lightly breathing in air as his head tilted slightly back.

He became extremely stiff, his hands balled up, and he inhaled a gigantic amount of air; his soon unexpected sneeze booming.

I jump slightly, closing my eyes and become really stiff because sadly, I was in the blast zone of it.

All I can do is laugh, at what just happened to me and how cute he is. He seemed to shiver, moving one hand barely to hug his other arm; then flopping over to his side.

I get up to get the freezing kid a blanket, covering him and making sure to wrap him in the warmth.

I sit on the coffee table in front of him and stare.

Exhaling, I decide to get closer to him; well, his face in general.

I stare at his sleeping face, admiring his relaxed facial features. His smooth skin with his slightly flushed cheeks. His cherry blossom pink lips partly open. Even with the little bags under his eyes from crying, his long eyelashes still curl upwards; little crystals of tears clinging to them.

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