Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

I wake up to the sound of moment in this old, dusty house. Every creak, rain drop, and echo, your can hear it as clear as day.

I open my eyes to the hazy darkness and occasional puke color of the basement. 

I blink a couple of times, and a shocking pain flows through me face. "Dammit," I whisper to myself as I lightly touch one cheek. I think that guys punched left bruises.

Man it stings.

I tense the muscles in my shoulder in an attempt to prop myself up, but that was a bad decision.

My stomach shoots pain through my whole body, and I'm not sure if its from the multiply kicks from yesterday or the overdue yogurt I ate; it might be both.

I lie back down to avoid anymore pain of moving, just staring at the dangling twitching light bulb on the ceiling.

I feel like I just got my ass beaten by a bully in a public school. It's pathetic I couldn't stand up to that witch and her gorilla boyfriend.

Why do I even stay here? I question myself. Why do I tolerate this kind of treatment. I could've easily run away anytime I wanted? But to be honest, I already know the answer to these questionable thoughts.

It's because I'm weak, and I'm a wimp. This might be terrible treatment, but I'm I don't know if I'll really be able to survive the big bad world by myself if I run away.

I'll have to go far if I'd want to successfully escape here, but that also means leaving Jiminie behind.


The door to the basement creaks open, and natural sunlight shines through the figure standing between.

I turn my head and instantly squint my eyes trying to adjust them to the brightness.

"Hey twerp,"She says as she moves no where closer to me, instead throwing something in my direction.

I jerk back, which I soon regretted, in attempt of avoiding the impact of the unknown object.

My body starts to burn, especially my stomach, and I roll around a little.

"YOU IDIOT," she laughs as she takes a smoke." it's your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so don't waste it."

It stays silent for a few minutes, and no one moves for those minutes.

"You know," she says with a tone that I don't like."If you behave better and swear that you won't go outside again, there's a chance I'll let stop locking you up."

I struggle my eyes open to look at her. Her eyes look a little puffy and you can tell her massacre was running a couple of hours before this.

"Aww," I say with a scratchy voice." Did your gorilla boyfriend dump you again."

She flinches at my words, and I know I'm right.

"Well he was trash," I say with a long pause after. "But even so, he's way out of your league."

She scoffs at my comment with a bitter smile on her face, glaring thousand of daggers down at me.

"F*cking brat," she slams the door close right after.

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