Chapter 37

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A/n: Bet u didn't expect this update so soon. Guys I think the books close to ending. I'm dying I came up with a plot that should kill all of you & cause you to hate me with a passion.

Taehyung's POV

Jimin hasn't left.

I can tell.

It's been some time since we heard the first few abnormal creaks in the floor, and it's still going.

My anxiety levels are tremendously high, so I wouldn't be surpised if my heart just gave out on me any second from the pressure.

All that seems to replay like a broken record in my dead mind is that Jimin shouldn't be here. Why can't he just leave. Why did he have to come. It's going to be his fault if he dies.

But as much as I want to, I can't come to blame anything on him, after all, I can only blame myself for dragged him into my jacked up life in the first place.

The warnings that I was trying to send him before now seize to exist. I've given up on screaming, it's not helping him if he can't even understand what I'm struggling to say from behind this tape on my mouth.

I mean, it's just a nuisance for a dog to bark with no voice to back it up, right?

So since I've given up talking, maybe I should give up on living too; my life also feels like it's a nuisance to his existence right now.

Ugh, I don't know anymore.

Everything hurts, to the point where its not even inflicting pain. It's a weird distant irritation in my body I feel grow as time goes by.

At first, it felt like blood was filling my lungs every time I inhaled my daily doses of oxygen, now it's just numb to me. Doesn't that mean I've given up?

I'm so tired.

I drag my eyes to the demon that decided to make my life an actual living hell; her still hiding under the stairs ready to probably shank him in the neck.

Its too dark to see every detail, but I can tell she's in predator mode. My eye sight might be shit right now, but my hearing is still still pretty sharp.

I can hear her sifting ever so slightly, probably crouched down on the balls of her feet, ready to ambush him as soon as he sets a foot on the concrete flooring. And I wouldn't even be able to help him if he gets jumped, so all I can do is pray he doesn't come down here.

This room just spells death in the air.

My nose stings from the hot tears that escaped from my defeated eyes earlier. Before, my breathing was extremely shallow, and with the tape plastered on my face, it just made breathing, honestly, an inconvenience.

I slump my shoulder after them being tense since Jimin first came here, and instantly regret it.

A burning feeling in my chest breaks through the numbness that I was simulating before. I look down with the limited vision I had, my eyes throbbing as I strain them downwards to see why my chest feels that way.

All I can see is dark abyss though, so that was completely pointless. To make it worst, it caused and excruciating head ache to throb through my skull because of the attempt.

Tch, sleeping and never waking up sounds amazing to me right now.

Maybe a genie heard my wish and was granting it because my eyes started to close on their own, my eye lashes starting to connect to lock them tightly closed.

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