Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV

We pull up to some kind of castle. Blinking twice, I gawk like an idiot at how massive the place is.

I'm not even sure why I'm so surprised to see it though. I mean I should've known they were mega rich just by how expensive the car that we rode in looked.

Two maids opened to car doors for us and I felt like some kind of celebrity; walking down some kind of red carpet as we make our way to the castle like building's front door. I'd rather see Jimin now than feel like this though.

The inside was just as impressive as the outside, like nothing my eyes have gotten the chance to see before.

A huge chandelier greets us when we first walk in. A lush red chair and a charcoal grand piano in only a section of the mansion; with a fire place joining them.

As you adventure deeper into the place , it has two beautiful stairs curving towards you. What was up them were a mystery to me. I thought we were about to find out but the maids lead us completely past it.

We were lead into the massive dining room, finally getting a chance to see the faces of the people who owned this dream like castle. The people on the other hand, is a whole other story.

There is three of them: A lady, a creepy man, and a girl that looks my age.

The woman had some age on her face, but it was covered up with many face lifts and her heavy makeup.

The man looked just as old, but his age was displayed on his face. His eyes were dark though, like if you tried to guess what he was thinking you would regret it right away.

And the girl looked like neither of them, nor did she even look human. She was super pale, and everything about her looked artificial, just like the old lady; but maybe for her it was just the makeup and the way she is dressed.

Like a porcelain doll.

Her eyes looked soulless; just a hollow thing was standing before me. She was hugging a stuffed bunny very close to her though, like its was the one thing keeping her alive.

The old lady and that woman I came with make direct eye contact. They both seem to click there tongue, but no one reacts to the chill between them except me.

"It's so nice to see you again," the old lady says with false happiness in her words.

"You too..... mom," that woman says through gritted teeth. Obviously it was a complete lie that these too were saying, but no one points it out; so I guess I shouldn't either.

I notice the girl staring at me and I start to feel awkward under her gaze.

The old ladies eyes slowly creep from that woman to me. "Oh, you must be Taehyung," she says while coming closer to me. I put on a rather weak smile, wishing I could've get to know more about Jimin than be here with these people. I go for a handshake, but she doesn't move at all to connect our hands.

Sweetie, you must be tired from that long trip why don't we run u a bath." she says with the fakest smile of the century. I didn't really have a choice in the matter and was taken upstairs by a maid. While I walk up one of the grand stairs, I feel someone's eyes following me all the way up; and I could tell they didn't have good intentions.

I'm quite hesitant when I talk off my clothes; scared that the owner of those eyes will pop out from behind the door. But in the time I was in the bath the only person that came in the room was a maid leaving a change of clothes.

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