Chapter 45

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A/n: honestly I feel so bad I'm like a tease, I keep clicking the publish button by mistake. They need to move that publishing button I swear. Also schools starting next week rip.

Taehyung's POV

Worse decision of my life:

falling into deep sleep with my hair still wet from showering.

I feel so awful that I believe I've been sacrificed by my own betrayal of a body to go through the stages of dying a slow, painful death.

My eyes are like dragging themselves down deeper into my skull by how heavy they feel, and my nose is completely stuffed with so much impenetrable goo that I've officially become a mouth breather.

I even cried gallons in when Jimin was hugging me last night, and where the annoying pains are really come from at the moment, is the throbbing headache after from me balling my eyes dry that aren't helping the headache from this sickness. The inside of my head is pounding against my skull like it's demanding to be let out.

I got the damn cold.

It was so bad to the point that I couldn't even walk a few feet without loosing footing like someone who has sea sickness and is travelling across the Pacific.

Jimin advised that I should go lie down by how dizzy I appeared, and though I tried to refuse his offer, I realised that I didn't have much a choice.

It was like a gang team up consisting of two, Jimin on my left arm and his mother occupying my right, both dragging me into a room with a threat of chaining me down if I didn't stay.

I was officially bed written.

And let me tell you, I find it so absurd, how they categories these symptoms as one of a cold, but through the simulation, the whole room is hot as hell; like am I being roasted in an oven without noticing.

But then, you get these like random chilly moments while your organs are setting aflame, like your blood had just ran cold because you realised you were being cooked alive. It's honestly bothersome and I hate it.

I feel bad too, causing Jimin and his mom to be doting needlessly on me. I'm literally being dead weight for them as I just lay here staring at the ceiling.

They're both taking care of me right now; he's watching over me as his mom made some healing chicken soup.

I had told those two they really didn't have to because I didn't want to cause unnecessary work for them, but like I was a television they had turned to mute, none of my words got through to them. They're both stubborn people.

I direct my head elsewhere than the same wooden ceiling, regretting that I attempted to count the planks since they only made my vision start to spin.

I'm falling victim to a tired sensation but I don't feel to sleep.

My gaze lands to the right of me, where a cute boy was dozing off as he sat right next to me on a wooden chair. A smile so barely noticeable snuck its was onto my face, but a little upset pout replaces it.

Right now, I envy Jimin; it's like the guy's immune system made of steel or something. He was in the same situation as me, hair wet while falling asleep on the couch, yet he shows no signs of a horrible cold like me. It's not like I want him to get sick or anything, but seriously come on, he could at least be hacking up coughs or sneezing uncontrollably.

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