Chapter 30

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A/n: Oh btw I don't think anyone cares but I'm from Trinidad, moved to Texas, and I'm 14 :)

I probably should of done something for April fools but oh well.

Taehyung's POV

My eyes struggle open with a feeling like weights on them. I grunt as I use the muscles in my neck to lift my head, causing my skull to start throbbing in waves of excruciating pain from one specific spot.

The muscles in my body screaming from unwanted sourness, to the feeling that it's not just the muscle tissues ripping apart but my bones breaking into pieces.

Especially with the stinging feeling exhilarating throughout my arms, yet they feel too numb to even feel connected to my blood stream; or feel like they're nonexistent in general. I probably slept on them badly.

My pulse pounds from one end to another in my body, traveling from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes.

I feel a thick liquid ooze out of my head and trickle down from the source of pain in my noggin, a warm crimson liquid that has been seen too many times for someone my age. Blood.

I become alarmed when I notice that everything looks different than my last memory.

The room spins slightly as I try to get a bare of my surroundings by hastily darting my throbbing eyes everywhere, soon realizing that it's the very same run down hell hole I've known since diapers. Yes, home sweet beautiful dingy basement.

The panic in me dies down, only leaving behind a trail of regret that could've been easily avoided. I should've just stayed with Jimin, then I wouldn't have returned, and if I didn't come back, I would've never gotten this beating.

A predetermined outcome that could've simply been rerouted if I'd chosen the decision with the most common sense in the mix. My emotions just got the better of me.

I got scared on how to face him after the kiss, and that just persuaded me more to come back here. But I can't completely blame it on that, for that was only part of the reason. I just don't want to admit I'm a coward about leaving here.

I can dream big about leaving here without a doubt in my mind like run away kids in movies, but if I'm honest with myself, I'd probably die on the side of the road like a cockroach.

Also I wouldn't be lying if I said I wasn't getting used to this treatment, but for some strange reason I have this gut feeling of uneasiness compared to the other times before. It makes me feel queasy.

Its just a little unusual; how she hit me in the head. This is a first for me to get knocked out and experience this burning, throbbing sensation below the mountains of hair on my head.

Usually when I get thrash it'll have pain and the bleeding on my lower body and chest area; only sometimes will I get a bruise on my face. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so I don't know what's bothering me.

Maybe the stories too repetitive that I'm slowly losing my mind in this suffocating cage of a room. It's simple really, I got a beaten for going out, and I got thrown in the basement. It's happens all the time but maybe this time the beaten was so hard that I just got knocked out like a wimp.

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