.Chapter 1.

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I wake up to my annoying alarm clock. Sighing and pushing it off my stand in annoyance, I jumped when I realised it hit the wall. "Oh fuck," I say and rub my eyes. I suddenly heard someone shouting and then I saw Simon in the doorway of my room and my eyes instantly widened as he started running.

"No no no no no!" I said but he already jumped and landed straight on me, punching me lightly. "Get up! Get up!" He says and I sighed in annoyance, "Oh fuck off." I say and sigh. I looked at him and saw him smiling brightly at me. "Come on, you need to get up as we have Uni today." He says and I sighed loudly.

"Fine I'm up." I say and raise my upper body, he was facing me and our faces where so close. He immediately backed away though and stood up. "The others are awake so yeah." He says before heading down stairs. I quickly got out of bed and kicked the floor in frustration,

So close. So close to kissing him, but who the fuck am I kidding, he's not gay, he's in a relationship with the most popular girl in school, and with a girl who treats him like shit. She constantly hits him, pushed him around, calls him names and constantly cheats on him, but he still loves her.

I could treat you better, but you don't know that, nobody knows that apart from myself, I go and have a shower, putting my clothes on and brushing my teeth before going down stairs. All you could hear was noise from the kitchen.

"I want the last bowl of coco Pops!" "No I want the last bowl." "GUYS!" Vikk shouts, making me laugh, I sit down on the stool at the counter island and watched how Vikk told Josh and Simon off for fighting. "It's only cereal. Fucking hell." I say and laugh, they just sigh before Josh grabs the box and pours himself the cereal.

"You eating JJ?" Simon asks and I shake my head. "Don't like breakfast." I say and go on my phone. I've been feeling down lately. Ever since last term, people have been bullying me, online and in real life. I would stand up for myself, but they are stronger then me. And a lot more scarier than myself.

I just sigh before standing up and going to my room to grab my school bag. I put my SnapBack on before going downstairs. "I'm leaving now!" I shout and everyone says that's fine before I leave, walking to the dreaded place called school. I walk in the gates and go straight to my locker.

"Hey faggot." James says to me and I flipped him off and grabbed my things. "Oohhh, faggots feisty." He says and I looked at him in disgust. "Shut up bitch." I say before shutting my locker forcefully. "Don't tell me what to do." He says and pushes me against the lockers. I am not showing I'm scared, he would just know he's doing this right. "Fuck off mate." I say and push him away from me. "As I said before, don't tell me what to do." He shouts and punches my jaw, I hissed in pain. I looked at him before walking off to the toilets. He was following me, but I know he gave up when he didn't follow me in the toilets.

I walk in and close the cubical doors. Sighing lightly and clenching my fist tightly. "Don't let him get to you." I whispered to myself before leaving the restroom, I saw the group near my locker so I went over to them. "Yo Jide you okay?" Tobi asks and I nod, fake smiling, "Yeah I'm fine!" I say and smile at him. I look around the group and see Simon was no where to be seen.

"Where's Simon?" I ask and Ethan sighs. "With The bitch." He says and nods his head to where Simon is. I looked back and saw him and Taylor Making out. I instantly shivered. "Wow really in the hall?" I ask them and they shrug. "What there into I guess." Harry says and I sigh. She looks like a barbie doll.

Blond straight hair, plump lips, blue eyes. She was wearing white shoes, a short skirt, a crop top that said 'Cute' and her 'Bag' which is actually a hand bag. Her face looked orange and caked with makeup. But I guess that's what Simons into. Not a fag like me.

"She's a fucking barbie doll." Vikk says unexpectedly making em and Ethan laugh. "When you get hit with the unexpected savagery." Josh says and I laugh even more. I heard the bell go and everyone groaned. "Fuck maths." I say and everyone nods. "Oi At Least we see Sammie and Po." Josh says and I nod. "Oh yes! I haven't seen Sammie in ages!" Tobi says and I laugh before we enter Maths.

We go in the maths room and we immediately see Po and Sammie at the back, laughing at something. "Yo Girls!" Ethan shouts and they both lift there heads. There eyes instantly lit up. "Guys!" They say and get up and run to us. "How's our two favourite girls?" Josh asks as Po and Sam hug Ethan. "We're great thanks." They say before we all hug each other and then sit down near them.

I look up and see Simon and Taylor hugging. And the she pushes him away and sits next to her friends, all of them laughing. "What a bitch." Sammie whispers to Po and Po stifles a laugh and nods. Simon walks over and sits next to me. "How's Taylor?" I ask and Simon shrugs. "I tried asking her but she Was to busy talking to Maisy." He says and I nod.

"She's been a bitch lately." I say and he immediately slaps me. "Shut the fuck up you can't even get a Girlfriend." He defends her. But I think we both know she's a Bitch. "At least when I get a girlfriend she will actually love me." I lied, how was I meant to say boyfriend, I'd be instantly kicked out the group and everyone would hate me. "Fuck off Taylor loves me." He raises his voice, but I just shake my head. Not arguing anymore. I see the teacher walk in and I got out my phone and started checking social media.

"Olajide! Stop playing on that phone before its confiscated." The teacher shouts and I sigh. "Just checking Twitter miss." I say and she just huffed and said nothing else. I didn't pay attention in class. I kept thinking about Simon, and Taylor, why does she have to be a prick to Him? He does everything for her, is it so she can have whatever she can because Simon is a 'Famous' youtuber?

All of these questions kept reminiscing in my mind that I got slapped back in reality as the bell dismissed us from the lesson and I immediately stood up. I took in Sammie's and Po's  appearances. Matching Snapbacks, Sammie wearing her glasses, black ripped jeans and then a My Chemical romance top and converse, and then Po was also wearing black jeans but vans and a Plain black T-Shirt. They looked nice.

"Jide! Come on!" Sammie says and I noticed everyone had left apart from Sammie. "Sorry, just thinking." I say and she smiles. "Don't worry, is it about Simon?" She asks as I pick up my bag. "Well.. Kinda." I say and she nods. "Taylor's been a right bitch." She says, the teacher snapped her head at Sammie and Sam only shrugged.

"What? It's true." She says, I laughed at her words before leaving the class room with her. "What lesson you have now?" She asks and I sigh. "I think I have science." I say and she nods. "I got Art next, but Po is in science and I think Harry is. So yeah, good luck." She says and I laugh before we go our separate ways.

The two girls are very nice. They are very caring and are the only girls that are just them selves and are not caked in makeup and act fake. They make the group crack up a few times. Especially with Po's Shots and Sammie's weirdness. I head into science and see Simon sitting with Harry. They where talking about something so I quietly sat next to them and I see Po come through the lesson, I look up at her and she goes and sits down right next to me.

"Hey!" She says and I smile. "Hi, maths was shit as always." I say and she nods. "I fucking hate maths." I look over and see Taylor flirting with the Science teacher, it almost made me gag. "Taylor's having fun." I whisper to Po so Simon can't hear and she laughs.

Taylor stops flirting and comes and sits right next to Simon, pushing Harry out of the way before hand. "Yo what the fuck I was sitting there." He says but she just giggled. "Do I look like I care." She says before turning around. "I don't give a cr-" "Harry, just calm and sit next to me." Po says and Harry just sighed before sitting down next to Po. I completely blocked Simon and Taylor from me. I couldn't stand to see them making out all lesson.

I can't believe she just did that to Harry.
Shitty first chapter but hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. If you did please comment and other than that, talk to you all soon. X

Love you allXxX

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