.Chapter 2.

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The science lesson was fun, I mainly talked to Po and Harry, to be honest they would make a very cute couple. We where all in a massive group chat so Po decided to text everyone to see where everyone is.

Po: Everyone Meet in Cafeteria.

I read the texts before Me, Po and Harry set off to the cafeteria. We didn't wait for Simon because we knew Taylor would come to. "She treats him like shit what the fuck does he see in her?" Po exclaims, sighing heavily as Harry wrapped his arm around her. "Calm down okay?" He says and she just nodded. "I don't know what he sees in her." I add and Harry nods.

We all made it to the cafeteria and I saw that everyone was there. I started laughing when I saw Ethan dancing. "Yo great moves." I say and he laughs. "I know right, I'm fucking amazing." He says and everyone chuckled. "Yo Po want anything?" Sam asks and Po asks for a water and an apple, she nods before getting up.

"Nice to know you care about me." I shout and she just flipped me off, making me laugh. We all took our seats and all started talking about a new video idea. We saw Simon come over and he took a seat next to Tobi and Vikk. "Glad to see someone's joined us!" Josh says and he flips him off.

"What am I not aloud to see my girlfriend?" He asks and everyone groaned, this conversation has happened loads of times I can almost recite the exact words the would say, so I changed the subject before anyone jumped in. "Where is Taylor anyway?" As soon as I asked that we heard laughing coming from around the hall. I saw people pointing and I looked over and see Sammie's food she must of bought pored all over her, and Taylor was standing with the tray in her hands.

"Oh she fucked up." As soon as those words left Tobi's lips anger spread across Sammie's Face as she immediately punched her clean in the mouth. "OH SHIT." I say as Me, Tobi, Po and Simon got up from our sleeps, everyone wasn't shocked. Because if you mess up Sammie's hair, there will be consequences.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU BITCH!" Taylor shouted as Sammie was laughing at her. Simon immediately ran over to Taylor whilst me and the other two ran to Sammie. "Are you okay?" I ask her as she kept laughing. "I almost knocked that bitch out." She says but than she realised she had her food on her hair again. "Oh fuck my hair. Oh and I can't be assed to sort it out." Frustration was clear in her voice as I laughed at how annoyed she sounded.

"Ugh fucking hell Simon. If you where the friends with her none of this would of happened!" Taylor winged. "Shut the fuck up you would of done it anyway." Po says and she just 'ughed' us before walking out of the hall, everyone laughing at her instead of Sammie now.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Simon screamed at Sammie and she shrugged. "I don't know, because I wanted to be a bitch? Take a look." She says, it wasn't even Sammie's fault, Taylor was the one who did it in the first place. "Fucking hell you can be a right slag sometimes." Everyone's eyes widened at what Simon said. Even the other Sidemen's eyes where wide.

"Yo back off man, Taylor started it." Tobi says, stepping in front of Sam. "It's only because you fancy her that you're defending her." Simon spat. "Oh fuck off, go back and play Barbie and Ken with you're actual Barbie doll." Po says, pointing to Taylor who was on her Phone.

Simon was about to say something but the bell cut him off. "You know what I'm going back to the house. Who has a free period?" I ask the guys and Sam, Tobi, Harry, Po, Simon and Ethan put there hands up. "Fuck off you're coming back." Ethan says to Simon and he just flips us off.

"Atleast Taylor's Prettier than Po And Sammie Put together." He says and Po piped up. "You thinking that plastic is better looking than realness you have something seriously wrong with you." She retorts, My eyes widened as I laughed at her shot. Everyone was shocked as Po grabbed Sammie's hand, Simon just walked off back To Taylor.

"Come on, Let's go back home." Ethan says. I nod, looking back to see Simon and Taylor fighting. I almost wanted to comfort him, but he just called one of my friends a Slag, and was defending that bitch, so I turned my back and walked away. I felt someone's hand grab mine gently and I look over and see it was Po's. "What's up?" She asks me as we walked out of school. "Ahh, nothing, just worried bout Simon that's all." I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "How come?" She asks, "Because She doesn't deserve such a beautiful Human being, she is changing him, slowly. But still shanking him in some weird way." I say and she nods.

"I guess he just needs to figure things out. But it's pretty obvious you fancy him." My eyes instantly widen at her words. She just laughs. "Don't worry, you're secrets safe with me." I shake my head. "I'm... Not gay." I say and just squints her eyes at me, "I can read you like a book Olajide, don't lie to me when you say you don't fancy him because I can see that you do." I couldn't believe it, I didn't want anyone knowing, because I thought they would leave me, but she only squeezed my hand comfortingly.

"Just, whenever you're alone you can talk to me about it, I know it can come as a big shock that I know." She says and I just nod, before hugging her. "Thanks Po... Nobody knew and when someone actually realises that you are and say it, it makes me instantly scared that everyone is going to leave me and hate me." I say and she shakes her head instantly.

"No no no, it's fine honestly, plus, between you and me, KSImon is my favourite ship out of you guys." She squealed. Making me laugh. "What's this beautiful one talking to you about then?" Harry says and puts an arm round Po, Making her blush and me smile. "Just talking about ships that are in the group." She says and he nods. "I Think Tobi and Sammie is a thing." Harry says and I nod.

"That's defiantly real." Po says. "What's there ship name?" I ask and Harry shrugs. "Tammie? Samjizzle? Sobi?" Po suggests and I smiled at Samjizzle. "Samjizzle as that's funny as fuck." I laugh. "You're ship name is Samjizzle!" Harry shouts at Sammie and Tobi, Tobi just stuck his tongue out at us and I could see a light blush appear on  Sammie's cheeks.

We soon reached the house and everyone came in. "What we gunna do then?" I ask and everyone shrugs. "I'm going to go and wash the soup out of my hair." Sammie says and I nodded. "Use my bathroom." I say and she nods. Heading upstairs.

"Yo can me and Po record a FIFA video?" Harry asks and everyone nods, before they head up stairs as well. Then it was just Me, Tobi and Ethan. "Harry and Po am I Right." Tobi whispers to me and I laugh. Making Ethan pout "No I wanna hear!" He whines and I smile as Tobi told him.

"Come on let's go to the living room." I say, they all agreed so we went to the living room and started watching something on TV. It was this random show called 'Malcolm in the middle.' It was quiet funny actually. "Hi again... It's me." I hear someone say and I turn round to see Sammie in the door way. Her hair wrapped in a towel.

"Hi, Urm just wandering if anyone has a hair dryer." She says and I thought for a moment. "I think Vikk has one but not sure. I have that Mouse stuff for you in my room." I say and she nods. "Thank you so much for letting me do this." She says and I just nod. "Don't worry it's fine." I say before she disappears once again.

God what a long day, and it's not even 12 o'clock.
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter to this, kind of a filler, if you did please comment, other than that talk to you all soon! X

Love you allXxX

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