.Chapter 15.

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I woke up in my bed, I didn't remember getting here, all I remember was running to the park, cleaning my wrist..

Than falling asleep.

I sighed as I realised one of the guys most probably brought me back, I sighed and stood up. I went to the bathroom and locked the door, I took a quick shower, got changed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and than grabbed my bag, I walked out my room and was about to go downstairs when I heard hushed shouting from one of the spare rooms.

"Sammie, you've got to stop doing this to yourself. You're going to kill yourself." "It's hard to stop. I'm fine, just having rough days recently." I hear Sammie and Tobi's voice fill my ears. I just sighed sadly at them, I know Sammie's trying to stop, and I know Tobi cares about her, and I know how sad it is. I walk downstairs and grab my shoes before going into the kitchen. As soon as I entered everyone went silent.

"What?" I ask as I put my shoes on. "We just want to say that we are here for you, you know." Josh says and Vikk smiles, I just nodded, I see Tobi and Sammie walking in, both of them laughing at something, god how they can change there emotions so quickly. "Come on, let's go school." I say and everyone nods before we all go to school.

I pulled the sleeves of my jacket further down my arm as I entered the school, everyone was talking about something that I wasn't listening to. I grabbed my books for my locker and my bag, before heading to First lesson.

I see Taylor and Simon walk to first lesson, Taylor showed no interest, as for Simon got a big smile on his face. I'm glad he's happy, but I could make him so much happier if he just, trusted me. But how can he trust me when he isn't even gay.

I sighed, this is gunna be hell.

//Lunch time//

I walked out of tech, god that's one boring class, none of my friends are in it which sucks even more. I had been kept in for a little longer than usual as I didn't do my homework, so fifteen minutes of helping the teacher sharpen her pencils I was let out.

As I was walking down the deserted hallways, I heard giggling, I walked towards where the giggling came from and I peered over the corner of the hall, slowly. My eyes instantly widened as of the sigh I see.

Josh and Vikk.

I peer my head over the corner and see Josh and Vikk making out, I shook my head As I saw what position they where in, Vikks legs wrapped around Josh's waist and and him running his hands through josh hair, I instantly made myself so nobody can see me,

I stared, shocked, what I just witness played over and over in my head as I heard a voice. "Come on, Josh we're all ready 15 minutes late." Vikks voice echoes across the Halls. "Don't worry, No one will catch us." Josh says, are they together? How long has this been going on for?

"But you know what JJs like, always snooping around." Vikk says and I stifle a laugh. Because that's what I'm doing, Snooping, and that's made me found out about this. "Well I promise he won't find out, yeah?" He says and I sigh silently. "Yeah.. I love you." "I love you too baby, come on."

I hear Josh put Vikk down and I immediately started running, I ran down the hall and straight into the dinner hall, I go straight to the table and sit down on seats, everyone was staring at me. "Yo you okay?" Tobi asks and I sigh. "Yeah I'm fine." I say quickly. "You seen where Josh and Vikk are?"

"No I don't know sorry." I say quickly and Po looks at me suspiciously but says nothing more. I sighed loudly and see Vikk and Josh enter the Dinner hall, talking like they where friends.

Not one indication of a relationship anywhere

I instantly look down at my hands like there the most interesting thing in the world. "You know something." Po says as Josh and Vikk sit down. "Nothing! I don't know anything." I say and shrug. "Okay. But you can tell me if anything is bothering you." He says and I just shrug. "I'm fine. Don't worry." I say.

I look at Josh and Vikk, They look so happy, and Josh is always looking at Vikk like he's the most Beautifulest thing in the entire world. Why can't that be like me and Simon, it's only because he's not gay. And I'm not normal.

I like the same gender, how the fuck is that normal, and worse. I like my best friend. He kissed back, which has just messed with my emotions even more. I get caught out of my trance when someone taps my shoulder. "Urm, these guys want you." Vikk says and points to the guys. I look at them and my eyes instantly widened.

They looked at me and smirked, before telling me too follow them. I sighed shakily and nodded. "Is everything okay?" Simon asks and I just nod and grab my bag, pulling my sleeves down and tucking my chair in. I looked at Sammie and she looked at me and just looked down.

I walk over to the end of the hall and leave the cafeteria, I instantly got trapped in the three and they grabbed my arm. "You're coming with us faggot." Once of them says through gritted teeth, "What have I done wrong?" I ask them and they shove me on the floor. "Being alive." The other one says, before they started kicking and punching me, I could smell that they have been smoking some sort of drugs, so I knew the drugs where making them do this.

I just excepted it and let them use me as there punching back for a few minutes.

Because that's what I deserve.
I hope you enjoyed this rather Naff chapter, if you did enjoy this please comment, otherwise talk to you all soon. X

Love you allXxX

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