.Chapter 11.

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JJs POV. //A few days later//

"Class dismissed." The teacher said in his monotone voice. I sighed as I got up and grabbed my bag from my chair. Simon has kind of ignored the fact that I've kissed him, like, he still talks to me, but we haven't ever hugged, held hands, and been flirty with each other since I kissed him. Which is totally understandable.

I head into the lunch room and see everyone sitting there. I quickly sat down next to Ethan and Josh and everyone smiled at me.. Apart from Simon. "So, I was thinking that I want to do the patience test in one of my videos with you guys." Po says, whilst sitting down on a chair with her plate of food.

"Yo that would be a good idea." Sammie says, I smile at her, she's been having a hard time, we asked her about the video, and she sticked to the fact that she was in the wrong, she asked for no body to ask any more questions, So that's what we did. "How is that a good idea?" Taylor says, coming over and sitting down on Simons lap. "Because it's good, quality content that will please my viewers." Po snaps back.

"So, Taylor. You're still here." I sigh, looking at her, Simons head snapped up, staring at me. "Why wouldn't I still be here?" She says, looking at me in her fucking annoying facial expression. "No reason, just ask Simon." I smirk at him. I know this was wrong, but I've had enough of Taylor being here. And I know Simon hasn't told her about the kiss, and that he kissed back.

"Jide, shut it." "Why? You would only tell me to be quiet if you had nothing to hide." I trailed off,  looking at the table, I looked back up and I see Taylor with a Confused expression on her face, and Simon was angry. Very, angry.
"What have you done?" She asks Simon and he shrugs. "I don't know, this weirdo is the one saying these things." Simon says, I just sigh, standing up.

"Imma go get my books for this after noon." I announce and everyone nods. "I'll come with you." Po says, I smile before grabbing my bag, "Good luck Simon." I mouth to him before me and Po enter the cafeteria, his Expression was filled with anger.

"What was that about with Taylor. You said something about Simon knowing something." Po says and I sigh. Should I trust her, well, she is like, the only one that knows I have a crush on Simon, she kinda does deserve to know everything that has happened. I do trust her."Well, a few days ago, I kinda got overwhelmed everything, and Urm, I went into Simons room." I say, looking down.

"What did you do." "What did we Both. Do." I say and her eyes widened. "Did you to kiss!?" She exclaims and I place a finger to her lips. "Be quiet okay. And yeah, maybe." I say and she just shakes her eyes, "how long." She asks and I sighed.

"Long enough for Simon to kiss back and me pushing him up against a wall." I say and look down. "Oh my god JJ what have you done, that would ruin His and Taylor's relationship." She says and I sighed. "I know! I know, I just was caught up in the moment." I say and she sighs, we both stop at her locker as she opens it. The hall ways are dead, only us.

She kept staring at me, "What?" I ask and she shrugs. "What what?" She asks and I laugh, "Why are you staring at me?" I ask and she giggles. "Well, I would of thought you'd of skilled the details by now." She says and I laugh at her. "Well, Urm, he is a very good kisser." I say and she nods. "Yeah, Harrys pretty good as well." Both of our eyes immediately widened at what she said.

"No, no you didn't hear tha-" "OH MY GOD." I squealed in excitement. "Are you two going out!" I exclaim excitedly, "Maybe..." She says before shutting her locker, we then start walking over to mine. "WHEN DID YOU START DATING?" I screamed and she immediately put her hand over my mouth, "I won't tell you if you keep screaming." She says and I nod.

"We started dating two months ago." She says and my eyes widened even more. "Why didn't you tell me!" I ask and she just shrugs. "We didn't want to have so much  attention dragged onto us." She says and I nod. "Well, Sammie and Tobi announced it. And they have been dating for almost three years." I say and she laughs.

"I know right, she's literally the youngest in the group but got pushed up a year." Po says as we reach my locker, I open it and I nod. "Well, I'm so happy for you." I say as I grab my books for last lesson. "Well thank you. Apart from you're overreaction, I'm glad telling you." She says and I smile at her.

I'm so happy for them.
Short but honestly have no idea what to write, hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter nonetheless, if you did please comment, and I'll catch you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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