.Chapter 23.

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JJs POV. /Two Days Later/

It's been two days since Sammie's suicide, and we still haven't watched her video, all of us are to scared to. "We should watch the video soon" Tobi whispers as he slams his locker door shut.  "Only if you want to, we need to get everyone together though, so all of us can watch it together." I say and he sighs and nods. "I can't fucking believe Simin is still going out with that bitch." Tobi says and I sigh and nod.

"It's honestly pathetic." I say to him and he nods, agreeing "Has he even confronted her?" Tobi asks and I nod. "They had a massive fight in his room yesterday. Me,nah try and Po where all sitting behind his door, listening to them." I say as we start walking to the double doors for The assembly "What did he say?"

"He sounded Pissed and sad, he kept asking her why she did it and all she kept saying was, 'Sammie deserved To Die'" I whisper the last bit to him and he shook his head. "Simon must be fucking stupid." He says as we walk to the door. "Are you sure you even want to be here today?" I ask him and he nods. "It's her assembly today, I can't miss it for the world." He says as we walk outside the building and line up in tutor groups, luckily the whole sidemen people are in this tutor.

"I know, but you can leave whenever you want, the staff won't mind." "I could never miss this, at all." He whispers, Po came up and hugged Tobi, "At least she is in a better place, yeah?" Po says and Tobi smiles lightly and nods at her hug. As I've said before, all of us care about each other, we are like family.

"Taylor should be fucking excluded from this school." Ethan says and I sigh. "She should be, but it won't ever happen." Josh says, holding Vikks hand. They haven't came out yet, but everyone sees them holding hands like a normal thing, which it is. "I can't fucking believe her." Simon pipes up and everyone's eyes widen. "Taylor doesn't even respect what we are feeling, I honestly don't know what to do with her." Simon rambles on, but Tobi just puts his finger to his lips, signalling him to shut up.

"Not now, okay?" Tobi says and Simon just nods understandingly. "Okay, come on." Our tutor teacher says and I sigh and nod. "You ready?" Harry asks Tobi, holding Po's hand. Tobi just nods before we enter the assembly hall.

We sit at the very front, So we can see things more clearly, Sad songs playing in the background as scraping of chairs echoed through the hall, a picture of all of the guys and Po holding Sammie as she is sprawled out against all of us, this picture was at Thorpe park, she said it was the best day of her life besides starting a relationship with Tobi.

"Settle down." The headmaster says through the microphone and I hear Tobi sigh shakily, I see Po genially put her hand in his and he smiles at her, but it was forced.

"As we are all very aware of, This student and YouTuber Samantha Hobson recently died of Suicide." The head says, I look down at my fingers. And then my arms, exactly where I cut, I was too busy with sharing my own problems to her that I didn't even take to glances at the way she was feeling.

"She was a very talented student, Very good in English and Art, and I know that all of you knew and respected her as a very happy student. But sadly that wasn't the case." The head says, before he changed the slide, it was a picture of her drawing one of her patterned skulls she always did, she was very fascinated in skulls and patterns and tattoos.

"We have heard that she had been bullied from a very young age, since year three. All the way till now, which is extremely heart breaking. As she did not deserve the bullying she had got." I glance at Tobi and I see him harshly wipe his eyes with his sleeve, I felt a tear roll down my cheek as well, as I looked at the others, Po Was in bits, and so where the other guys.

"But, I think what made her go on for as long as she did, was because of her 7 best friends and her boyfriend. Yes her supporters on YouTube may have helped her as well, but they weren't there every step of the way. And I want you guys today, to think about how the affects of bullying, and feeling alone, can really do to someone, as we have heard and a few have witnessed, Bullying kills, and we are disgusted in who ever did this to her." The head says, I while s tear away from my face as it cuts to a collage of photos of her and Po.

"Her best friend, Porshea Jayne Bartaby has known Samantha since she was very small, and they where two peas in a pod, never leaving each other's side and always sticking up for one another. And I know how hard this must be, for all of her extremely close friends to attend this assembly today, and we are all very Greatful that you are here today." He says and looks over at us, he was also teary eyed. Why couldn't she of thought about the affect of what this may happen to people? That we all loved her. And cared for her.

Where we not good enough friends?

He said things about each of us, saying how much of an amazing friend we where to Sammie, and then something bad happened, something that none of us wanted to see.

"On the 15th of October, 2016, Sammie posted a video on her channel, called, 'Goodbye Internet.'" Tobi's eyes instantly widened as he shook his head. He doesn't want to see the video, and we have tried to sit him down and make him understand that she made that video for people to see. But he still refused, "The scenes in this clip are very unsettling so we will not be showing this in the assembly, but we do advise you to watch it to understand what bullying can do to someone."

"Bullying kills."
I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter, if you did, please comment, otherwise, talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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