.Chapter 26.

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I walked back in the house and I could hear everyone in the living room, I sighed and went to the kitchen, I can't believe Simon is actually breaking up with Taylor. He's finally doing it.

As I walked into the kitchen I instantly stopped in my tracks as I saw what the fuck I just walked into.

Vikk and Josh.

Vikk was on the counter, his legs wrapped around joshed torso, his hands in his hair whilst Josh's hands where at Vikks hips. "Oh my god." I whisper and Vikk instantly pushed Josh away as he looked at me, his cheeks instantly went red as Josh stared at me.

"J-JJ Please don't tell any-" "don't worry, I already knew." I say whilst walking into the kitchen and heading for the fringe. "For how long?" "Since I saw you guys kissing in the abandoned Hallway." "I told you we should be more carful." Vikk tells Josh and smiles. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, not until you guys are ready, yeah?" I say and they nod.

"Wait, have you guys done it before?" "JJ!" "I'm sorry I'm just curious." I say defensively to Josh as he just smirks. "But have you?" "That's for us to know." Josh whispers but when Vikk looked down he winked at me, making me laugh. I haven't laughed since Sammie's death. Maybe things are looking up. Simon breaking up with Taylor, knowing the two guys are comfortable with me knowing.

"Simons breaking up with Taylor." I say whilst opening the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. "Wait really!?" They exclaim in unison and I nod. "He finally has some sense" Josh says and I laugh. "Yeah... Finally." I whisper and Vikk furrows his eyes. "What was the commotion outside then?" He asks and I just sighed.

"One day you'll find out... Maybe." I whisper and look down at my wrist before taking a gulp of water from the water bottle. Josh also walks to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. Than Tobi walks in. "Hello, you okay?" I ask and he nods. "The best I've been in days, I think them notes helped me realise that she did this to be happy, and I need to respect that." He says and I nod. "Come here." Vikk says and let's his arms out, Tobi walked over and wrapped his arms round Vikk.

I walk over to Josh's and whisper in his ear. "Tell me everything you and Vikk did." He says and he just shakes his head, smirks and then nods. "Yo, have you seen my video I just uploaded?" Po walks in, I shake my head. "I didn't get a Notification" Josh says whilst all of us go on our phones.

"It was the vlog I did when me and Sammie said we where planning on getting an apartment." She says and I nod, I go onto Po's account and I see that there was a new video. The title said. 'The remembrance vlog' I clicked it and it immediately opened up to Ethan shouting at the camera. "Po's Gay!" I smiled at the memory of that and how me and Tobi and Josh ran away with Sammie and then the rapping. She seemed so happy.

The video ended and I see that Tobi was smiling. "That's such a nice video." He says and I smile at him. "Come on, let's go and order some food, I can't be bothered to cook anything." I say and we all go to the living room.

Everything may turn out better, it has too, we can't bring Sam back to life, we just have too keep her in our heart as an amazing friend and move along, make ourselves happy again. Nothing could go wrong.


I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter, if you did please comment, otherwise I'll talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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