.Chapter 5.

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(Quick Disclaimer, I'm sorry if you don't feel comfortable with me and my Friend Po being in this book, but I honestly couldn't think of anyone else, and there are mentions of Suicide in this chapter.)


I could hear people shouting at Simon downstairs as Ethan tried calming me down. "Just breath in and out in my pace okay, slow, calm breaths." He says and I nod as he starts doing long slow breathing, me copying him, and it helped, I calmed down pretty quickly and as soon as I started smiling again he hugged me.

"Simon hurting you was bang out of order. You don't need people doing that to you in you're life, you're an amazing person Jide" he says and I just sigh. "I already get it everyday." I say and his eyes widen. "What?" He asks, I continued, I trusted Ethan. "Well, Urm, ever since the last term, I've been getting bullied buy these people that are a lot stronger and powerful than me, and I always go to school early so you guys can't see it." I say and Ethan had a hand up to his mouth in shock.

"So Simon slapping you.." He trailed off. "Simon hitting me hurt more in my heart than on my cheek, because friends aren't meant to hit each other like that, and I don't think it hurt that much anyway because I've had punches and stuff there" I saw and Ethan sighs as a tear fell down my cheek. "Why didn't you tell any of us sooner, or at least Sammie, because she'd know what to do as she's been bullied all the way through high school up to Uni." Ethan says and I just shake my head. "Because it's hard telling someone that you're being bullied and it's taking a mental effect on you." I say and he wraps an arm around me.

"What mental effect is it having?" He asks and I sighed. Should I really tell him, he's going to lose it if I do, he will leave me and tell everyone how fucked up I am. I sniffed before saying it. "It's making me feel like I don't exactly..." I trailed off, but he looked at me to continue. "I don't want to be alive.. Any more Ethan.." He gasped in shock as he stood up, I thought he was going to leave, until he made em stand up and give him a proper hug.

"Oh no JJ, what have they done to you?" He asks me and I just shrug. "Please don't tell anyone, not even Sammie, I know she's experienced this and has attempted but.. Just don't." He instantly nods. "Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me." Ethan says and I just nod before wiping my tears, just as I let go of Ethan's embrace Simon walked in.

"Oh my god Jide I'm so sor-" "I forgive you." I cut him off and he look baffled to my early decision. "Wait really?" He asks and I nod, "it's no point in being salty, I was disrespecting you're girlfriend and I should of stopped sooner." I said and Simon looked shocked. "So are we mates again?" He asks and I nod and smile at him, I was just being salty if I didn't forgive him, because I was pushing boundaries and we where both in the wrong.

He immediately ran over to me and hugged me, I hugged him back. Ethan awed us and I flipped him off. "Come on let's go down stairs for pizza." Ethan says and I nod. I felt Simons hand intertwine with mine and my face went hot. We have always been very Close friends so this didn't come as a shock to me. We headed downstairs and immediately everyone smiled as they saw we made up.

They all knew better not to bring it up so we all just instantly started talking about YouTube. Sammie was still asleep, "You guys where shouting and Sammie is still asleep. Who ever is going to be her boyfriend is going to have trouble waking her up." I laughed and everyone chuckled as Tobi took off Sammie's glasses carefully. "I don't want them to break." Tobi explained and I nodded at him and smiled, they would be a cute couple.

I looked over and saw Po and Harry snuggling up as well on the other sofa, both of them giggling to themselves as they 'watched' the Tv. And I saw Josh and Vikk cuddled up with each other, I smiled at them all as Simon hugged me. "Are you okay now?" He asks me and I nod and smile down at him. "Yeah thank you, are you okay?" I ask and he nods, "I'm really sorry for hitting you earlier," "don't worry about it honestly." I whisper to him and he nods as Ethan grabs the computer.

"What food does everyone want?" He asks and I looked at him. "Cheese and pepperoni Pizza." I say and he nods, "who else wants a pepperoni pizza?" He asks and Simon and Harry lifted there hands. "I don't know if Sammie will want to eat so just get her chicken strips and wedges and also get me a Ham and pineapple pizza" Tobi orders and Ethan nods, selecting everything. "Me and Vikk will share a margarita pizza." Josh says and Ethan nods. "And could I have BBQ Chicken pizza?" Po asks and Ethan nods. He reads out the orders and everyone nodded correctly.

"Okay, ordered." Ethan says and closes the laptop and puts it on the coffee table. "Baggy not waking Sammie!" Po lifts her hand up and I immediately put my hand up and say the same thing as Po. Everyone else said it before Tobi and he sighed as he looked down at Sammie, I laughed. "She looks cute now, but she's going to be one moody teenager when she wakes up." I say and Tobi shakes his head.

"I'll just wake her up gently." He says and slowly shakes her body, causing her to shuffle. "Sammie, come on wake up." He says and her eyes opened and then closed, "Why are you waking me up?" She says and I stifled a laugh as everyone wide eyed. "Because it's time to eat food." He says and she shakes her head. "I want to go back to sleep." She groans and that's when I laughed loudly, and then she immediately shot up. "What the fuck was that?" She says and my eyes widen as Po laughs. "JJs laugh." Simon tells her and she looks over at me and sighs. "Ugh I can't be bothered to be a shit, Imma go toilet." She says and stands up.

"Wait, Sammie was actually nice!" Vikk exclaims and everyone looked dumbfounded. "What the fuck just happened?" Harry says and I shrug. "I don't know." I exclaim and everyone laughs.

This is going to be a good night.
As I said, I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable that Myself and My close friend Po is in this book, but you're just going to have to deal with it, once again I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be changing it. If you enjoyed the chapter please comment, and I'll talk to you All soon! X

Love you allXxX

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