.Chapter 27. (The finale Chapter)

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Everyone was in the living room, well, apart from Simon. Everyone was talking and actually smiling for a change. Josh and Vikk smiling at one another. Whilst Po, Harry and Tobi talked, Ethan was on his phone, and I was watching the TV. The door opened and then slammed shut. Everyone instantly shut up.

Then I saw an angry, teary eyes Simon come through and into the living room. "Bro, you okay?" Tobi asks and everyone furrowed there eyebrows in concern. "Taylor.. Brad, cheating." He says and my eyes instantly widened.

"I Caught them doing it, we aren't a thing anymore." Simon whispers and I instantly jump up and hug him, he instantly started sobbing whilst I hugged him. I felt another pair of arms, then another, than another, than I realised everyone was hugging Simon. "Calm down yeah?" Harry whispered and I nod, still hugging him. He was still sobbing by the time everyone departed in the hug. But it was a lot more quiet and he was smiling.

"I am glad we are not together, I can finally do YouTube and not get judged by her." He says and I just sigh. "She was very mean." Ethan says and I nod. "Too right." Simon says and I look over at Josh and Vikk and see them nod at each other before standing.

"Urm, guys, this may be like weird saying this after Simon but we thought this may lighten the mood." Vikk says and my eyes instantly widen as I knew exactly what they where doing. "Me and Vikk are going out." Josh whispers, barely a whisper.

Everyone heard it.

"ZERKSTAR IS REAL!" Harry shouts and instantly jumps up to hug Vikk. "Now this has definitely put a smile on my face congratulations." Simon exclaims and goes with Harry. Everyone was ecstatic. I smiled at them. Happy that they finally admitted it.

And that announcement looks like it made everyone happy.

//A few days Later//

My annoying alarm rung in my ears, I slapped the snooze button, too tired to get up just now, but it wouldn't work. "WAKE UP JJ!" I heard a familiar voice shout in my ear, causing me to jump up from my  bed, "Getttt upppp" Simon drags on before jumping on me. "No Simon piss off!" I shout and Simon giggles whilst jumping on me.

"Get up! We have school." Simon says before dragging me out of bed. I fell on the floor and instantly got up. "That's it." I exclaim before getting up. He instantly starts running away, and I start chasing Simon down the stairs.

"Love birds! Stop fighting and get ready." Josh shouts, I run into the kitchen and see him feeding Vikk his breakfast. "You guys are calling us love birds." I exclaims and Vikk blushes. "We are ready, you're not." Josh says and I sigh. "Okay Dad." I sigh before running back upstairs, Simon following me.

"Yo, JJ, hang on." He says and I turn around and wait for him. He walks up to me and instantly hugs me. I laugh and hug him back. "What do you want you big goon?" I chuckle and he laughs. "What would you do if a guy asked you out?" He asks and my heart instantly sunk.

A guy had asked him out. Already? Who even was it. "Well, if you liked them than I'd say go out with them. But if you don't like them then say no." I tell him and he nods. I went to walk away but then he grabbed my wrist.

"What if the guy that asked you out was me?"

My eyes instantly widened as a smile broke out onto my lips, he smiled as Well. "I'd say yes.." I whisper and he nods. "So, will Olajide Olatungi be my boyfriend?" I hear Simon whisper.

"Oh come here."

I grab his face and pull him down to my lips, I instantly kiss his lips and he instantly kissed back. He draped his arms around my  neck whilst I wrapped mine around his waist. Butterflies erupted from my stomach as I felt like literal fireworks where exploding.

He pulls away and I smile at him.

"I'll Treat You Better Than Her."
I know, this book has come to an end. But I hope you guys enjoyed this shitty book, another book will be out soon, so stay locked for that, if you guys did enjoy this book, please comment. Otherwise, I'll see you guys later. X

Love you allXxX

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