.Chapter 18.

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I quickly pushed Simon away from me, he instantly frowned. "Simon, you can't do this to Taylor." I say and he sighs. "Why does she have to come into everything I do." He clenches his fists in frustration as the beeping of his phone was signalling she was still texting him. "Because she's you're girlfriend okay, and I'm not letting you use me as you're toy." "Ho am I doing that?" He asks me and I just shake my head.

"You know what you're doing, you know I like you, so when you are angry or sad, you'll take it out on me, and you don't care, because you know I'll always be crawling back to you." I say and he looks at me in disgust. "You'd think I'd use my best friend like that?" "Yes I do in fact."

"We'll explain the cuts on you're arm."

My eyes instantly widened and so did his, it felt like my whole heart had imploded on itself as the unforgettable secret of nobody can find out is out there. "T-the cuts on you're wrist, I saw them, w-when you went t-to the park." He says, but his words almost got drowned out as the blood rushing around in my head overlapped him. He knows, the last person I wanted to find out, found out because I was so stupid.

"You don't know anything." I whispered at him. "I do though, I saw them, they where open, I don't know how, that's why you left the house. Wasn't it." He pushes on. But I just stared at him as my vision went blurry from tears. "You. Don't. Know. Anything." I repeated, slower this time. So maybe he can get into his thick skull that he doesn't know everything, he may know one thing, but does he know why? How? When? No, just assuming.

"I know that you've done it." He says and I just shook my head, I looked up at him and the only thing I could do was shake my head. "I'm going into my room." I say before pegging it upstairs. And going into my room, I locked the door and jumped onto my bed as tears soon fell from my face, and dampening the bedding that was covering the bed.

I heard faint nocks but I didn't want to answer it, I just payed down on my bed, and said nothing. Just let my emotions take over me. Like they always do.

I let out a shaky sigh as I sat up. Looking around my room. So many memories. Me and Simon cuddling on this exact bed, seemed like it was just yesterday when that happened. It was so crystal clear, so fresh, you could easily mistake that it was just yesterday that it happened. But it wasn't. It was 6 months ago.

Why did I exclaim to him that I liked him, he's just going to take this to his own advantage, just use me, than leave me, to do what, create more scars on my skin? To make me drown myself in my own tears? Or to make me painted in my own blood from the wound that he is slowly creating? What ever he's trying to do is making me drive closer and close to the edge. And all I need is one more step before I fall.

/Two Days Later/

I woke up to the stupid alarm clock, beeping for me to get up and start the day. I pressed the off button before getting out of bed, I had a shower, some how the water still stinging the cuts slightly, and then it changed, brushed my teeth, and sorted my bag out.

It's Thursday today, for some reason we had a free day yesterday, which consisted in me staying in my room. I haven't talked to Simon since he told me he knew about me. But I have talked to the others, they all asked me if I was okay, to my reply was 'I'm fine thanks.' And then we all started playing FIFA.

I recorded a few videos yesterday, just for me being a bit bored, It made me feel a lot happier, knowing that I might make someone's day by uploading, even if my content is cancerous to others, I know that at least someone might enjoy it.

I headed down stairs and grabbed an apple for breakfast. Sitting down on the stools and eating it slowly. For once the girls and Harry, Tobi and Ethan weren't here, which surprised me. Of course I didn't mind, they are welcome to stay any time. It just surprised me.

I checked the time And saw it was 7:30, better leave for school, "Guys, we're going to be late if we don't leave now." I say to them and everyone nods before we all grab our things and leave, I had my jumper on and I grabbed the end of my sleeves.

I see Simon staring at my hands and I just sighed before I continued to walk to school. Vikk and Josh where holding hands, in a 'Friendly' gesture of course, hint sarcasm. But I'm glad they hold hands in public, even if they don't say they are dating.

I walked into the school gates and I immediately saw the three bullies leaning against my locker. Another beat up day? "Come on JJ, we've been waiting for you all morning." They say and pat my back hard, but making it look we are friends. I just nodded before grabbing the essentials from my locker and then following them.

As we where walking they turned into the janitors closet and quickly pulled me in with them. They instantly started beating the shit out of me. "We missed one fucking day because of school rules, I don't think that's acceptable." The leader says before connecting his foot with my stomach, making me cough up blood and fall over. "Ha Ha, coughing up blood, I didn't think N***rs had blood, I thought they where Aliens." One of them said, but I just let tears stream down my face as I passed out on the hard floor.

/second Lesson.\

I woke up and instantly felt pai in my stomach, I looked around me and saw blood. Wow, they didn't even cleans that, I slowly got up and washed it off, so no evidence would be found, before inhaling in pain. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I whisper to myself before exhaling the breath.

I pushed myself out of the small space and looked to see if there was a clock around. I sighed, realising I was in the middle of second period. I headed to my second lesson ICT, I realised he wouldn't take that so I quickly write a note, in the neatest hand writing I could and nocked on the door before walking in. "Sorry I'm late, had a meeting." I said and handed him a note. Please say it's okay please say it's okay please!

"That's fine, just go to you're computer." He says and I nod, before heading over and sitting next to Po. "What was the meeting about." She asks me and I shrug. "About my maths." I quickly think of something and she nods. "Did it go well?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah really good, there deciding which group to put me in now." I say and she nods. I look around and I don't spot Sammie. Hmm, that's strange, I just shrug it off before turning on the computer and waiting.

As soon as I log on the bell rings, signalling it's break. I turn off my computer, smiling at myself that I've basically missed the whole of the lesson, but instantly squinting at the pain in my stomach.

I quickly see Tobi dart out of the room, making me furrow my eyebrows, what the fucks going on? I grab my bag before heading out of the classroom, talking to Po about her new video idea. I shiver as I walk past Taylor and Simon snogging. "They still at it?" Po says and shivers herself. "Like, I respect Simon kissing his girlfriend, but not snogging and defiantly not snogging a barbie doll would be quite good if you asked me." She says, making me laugh at her and shake my head.

"Come on girl, let's go and get some food." I say before we walk into the cafeteria, the guys where sitting there, talking and eating. "Imma just grab a pizza real quick, need anything?" She asks me and I shake my head. "No thanks." I say before walking over to the table.

"Hey JJ" Harry says and I smile at him before sitting next to him. "You alright?" I ask him and he nods. "Not bad not bad." He says and we both start laughing for no apparent reason.

Po comes over and sits down next to Harry and me and smiles at everyone. "You doing a new video?" Po asks Josh and he nods. "Yeah Imma do the what's in my mouth challenge with Simon." He says and I nod. I look around and don't see Tobi anywhere. "Yo guys you seen To-" I got cut off by my phone ringing.

I took my phone out and saw that Tobi was ringing me, I noticed that he had texted me multiple times as well, that's weird, he never ever texts me. I quickly answer and put the phone to my ear, I instantly heard sobbing. "Tobi? Hello?" I ask in panic.

"Y-You need to come to the H-ospital."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please comment, otherwise, talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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