.Chapter 10.

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I heard Simon call for me to come back but I couldn't take it. I had to leave, run away, go somewhere, just for an you're Hour or two, to clear my head. "JJ! COME BACK!" Simon screams, I look back and see Simon coming down the stairs.

"No, just leave me alone." I say as I go to the front door. "Yo what the fuck happened?" Ethan Asks and I shake my head. "Nothing!" Me and Simon both say at the same time. "Just... Nothing." I whisper and then I leave the house.

I run down the drive and then down the road, I knew Simon was following, but I was much quicker than him, so I kept running. "JJ PLEASE JUST LISTEN!" Simon shouts and I stop and turn around. "Fine, go on, just hit me. Fucking call me names I don't ca-" I got cut off by Simon.

"JJ, just calm down. Okay?" He asks me and I nod, staring up at him. "Like, I know you like me, but you can't go round kissing me, I love Taylor." He says and I shake my head, "Come on man, honestly!? After what she's put all of us through?" I exclaim and he sighs. "I don't know." He says and scratches the back of his neck.

"It's me or her." I say and he shakes his head. "Don't you Dare make me choose." He stares at me, I stared back angrily, I don't know why I'm angry, but he should just leave Taylor already. "I am making you choose." I say and he sighs. "I.. I don't know do I?" He shouts and I shake my head.

"Fine!... Just.. Fine." I say and I start to walk back to the house. He was about to say something, but I stopped him. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it." I say, he looks down and sighs. "I was going to say that you where a good kisser." He says and that kinda made me have a little smile on my face. "Simon... I really like you. But you don't like me back." My voice cracks and he sighs. "That's just how things are." He says and I just nod.

I enter the house and go straight to my room. "Don't you dare try and follow me." I threaten Simon as I walk upstairs, I enter my room and slam the door shut. "Why why why?!" I shout at myself and kick my bed. "Why did I kiss him? Why did I do any of that shit, he's going to tell everyone, and everyone's going to hate me, way to go Jide." I sigh to myself as I fall onto my bed. If only he liked me back.

But he kissed back, he wasn't meant to kiss back, he has a girlfriend, that he 'Loves', I've just ruined everything we could of had. I got up and went to edit some videos, I needed to take my mind off of shit.

When my computer loaded I see I had a YouTube notification, I went onto the YouTube website and see that Sammie uploaded a new video, I furrowed my eyebrows as I see the Title.

'About The Situation...'

The thumb nail was her looking down. They where in Tobi's apartment, I clicked on the video and it immediately loaded. Sammie was looking at the camera and was smiling. "Hey Guys, Urm, I'm guessing you saw the video of this girl and her friends hurting me." She says and looks down. Her face looked completely drained from colour.

"And I take full responsibility for it."

My eyes instantly widened as she said that, Sammie did duck all to deserve that, what the fuck is she on about? "She poured soup on my head, so I punched her.. I guess she had to get her payback some way." She says, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"So, she did that, Urm, I know you guys might not believe it was my responsibility, but I was in the wrong. I'm sorry guys, I hope you understand. Goodbye." She says, before the video shut off. I was sitting there in shock, does she honestly think it was her fault?

I scrolled down to the comments and I saw that over 5k people have commented already.

'It wasn't you're fault! Whoever did that to you started it.'

'I'll kill who ever hurt you Sammie.'

'I hope you're okay! <3'

I shook my head, she didn't sound right in this video, that's not true, she definitely knows it wasn't her fault, but she said it was anyway. Someone barged through my door and I see that it was Ethan. "Have you seen Sammie's New Video?" Ethan exclaims and I nod.

"Bro this is fucked, that definitely wasn't her talking." I say. Staring at the computer monitor. "Then if it wasn't her talking, even though she was saying it, than who was?" Ethan asks, the video didn't look edit items at all, so she must of just done that video, and then immediately uploaded it. "I don't know, is Tobi with her?" I ask him and he shrugs. "I'll phone him." Ethan says and leaves the room.

I sighed as I stared at the open door, If she wasn't talking, then who the fuck was? I see Ethan come in my room again and he showed me the texts.

Ethan: Yo, You at you're flat?

Tobi: No? I am picking up shopping, Why what's happened?

Ethan: Sammie's New Video??

Tobi: I haven't seen it, why what's in it?

Ethan: You'll find out...

"She obviously did that video when Tobi was out, otherwise Tobi would of barged in." Ethan says and I nod. "Why would she do that?" I ask Ethan, thinking hard. "Maybe Taylor told her to, so she wouldn't be put in a bad light?" Ethan suggests and my eyes widen.

"But she wouldn't just do that for her, There must be some sort of Catch to this." I say and he nods. "Maybe Taylor Threatened That she would hurt Tobi? All of us know Sammie would do anything for Tobi, and vice versa for Tobi." Ethan suggests and I sigh.

"That could be It."
What the fuck happened in this chapter, it's so shit but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless, if you did, please comment, otherwise, talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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