.Chapter 4.

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Sammie's POV.

I ran over to Po and she laughed and jumped on the sofa, I jumped on the sofa right next to her and vlogged both of us. "Right, so the video that we where planning will be coming out on her channel very soon." I say and Po nods agreeing.

"Yeah, the video will be very spe-" "Oh My God why The fuck are you all screaming, is it because you saw Sammie's face without makeup?" Taylor says and my eyes instantly widened as I faced the camera at Taylor. "Ayyyyyy we got that on video." I said and Taylor's eyes instantly widened as I laughed.

"Yo that was rude." JJ retorts to Taylor, she just flipped him off. "Yo bitch fight is happening." Po says and I laugh. "I'm not a bitch." JJ says and Taylor laughed, making everyone cringe at her false girly laugh. "You're the biggest bitch I know." Taylor tried to fire a shot but everyone just stayed silent.

"And on that note." Po says and grabs the camera off me, and points it to herself. Making me laugh as she stopped recording. "Anyway, I just went down to say I'll be leaving now, so bye boys." She says and blows a kiss at them. "Oh my god I'm triggered." Josh says and Vikk laughs, she just giggles and walks to the front door, swaying her hips and then leaving.

"Girls, I officially love you for not being that fucked up." Ethan says and me and Po laugh. "I'll take that as a compliment." Po says and I smile at her and sigh. "I'm tired." I whisper and yawn to myself. Everyone started talking in there own little groups, Po stood back up to talk to Harry. Vikk, Josh, Ethan and JJ where on the other couch talking, and Tobi was on his phone.

I saw Harry and Po where in the position they where in before, Po sat on the pool table and her legs imbetween Harry as he stood up and held her hands. They where oblivious to me so I grabbed Po's vlogging camera from where she left it on the sofa and vlogged her and Harry. "The ship PARRY has officially sailed. Just look at how cute they are." I giggled and zoomed in slightly on the camera, capturing them before turning off the camera.

I see Simon come downstairs and he sits down next to me. "Get the fuck away from me." I move away from him, but he only moves closer to me. "Look, I'm sorry about calling you that name today, I was just defending Taylor. Because you punched her in the face." He says and I just sigh. "I forgive you, but just don't say that again. It just reminds me of when I was in secondary school." I say and he nods instantly. "Once again I'm sorry for calling you names." He says and I just smile at him. "It's fine." I say and he nods before standing up and going over to JJ and that lot.

I started watching this weird show on the Tv when I felt someone sit next to me and wrap there arms around me. I look and see it was Tobi, "hiya." I say and he smiles. "Hey, you okay, what did Simon want?" He asks me, "He just came over and said sorry to me." I said and he nodded. "He got a little close don't you think?" He asks and I shake my head, smiling slightly. "No, don't worry he always goes close to people when he apologises, you know that.." I say and he nods and kisses my cheek.

"I know, just thought he was going to hurt you." He instantly lied and I giggled. "Are you jealous?" I ask him and he just looked down. "Awww my baby boy is jealous." I trailed and he shook his head. "No I'm not!" He says and I laugh, "Well if you are there is no need to be, you're a beautiful human." I say and hug him.

I was so comfortable the last thing I remembered was Saying to Tobi that I was tired and then I fell asleep.


I saw the time was 5pm and everyone was on the sofa, I was sat next to Simon and Sammie, who was asleep on Tobi, and the others where sat around the Tv. "Who wants food?" Po asks and everyone nodded. "Want to order a pizza?" Simon asks and everyone seemed cool with that. Josh went to go get his laptop whilst everyone started talking. I felt Simon put his head on my shoulder and he sighed.

"Having a girlfriend is hard." He says quietly so only I could hear, I smiled at him, but I was also concerned, what happened upstairs. "Why?" I asked him and he just inhaled deeply. "Because Taylor should accept that I have close friends that are girls and not worry, and that she should except the fact that YouTube is my job." He says and I wrapped an arm around him.

"What has she been saying to you?" I asked him and he just sighed. "She said that I should stop being friends with Po and Sammie because they are horrid people, but they aren't,  and then she started saying that YouTube was a waste of time and that I was stupid for starting it. Am I really that bad of a boyfriend?" He asks me, and I felt my heart break a little, he doesn't deserve this, his girlfriend should be supportive of his friends and his job.

"You're not stupid for doing you're job, and she has guys who are friends too." I say and he just nods. "I know, she just confuses me so much. But I love her." That made my heart tear and break. I know tang he loves her. But I just know that I can treat him better than her, because he doesn't deserve someone that's just going to control his life.

"If she loved you why would she not appreciate you're work?" I asked him and he shrugged. "I don't know, but she does love me." He says and I just shake my head slowly and look down. "She doesn't act like she does." I say and he squints his eyes at me.

"You don't know nothing." He says and sits up, I put my arm away from him, "When was the last time you guys cuddled? The last time she said that she loved you? The last time she said that you where the best boyfriend?" I asked him and he just crossed his arms. "Why does that matter?" He says, but I could tell he was scared.
"Because that's what girlfriends are meant to do." I say, I knew that a few of the guys where listening to me and Simon rant to each other.

"She's a better girlfriend than you'd ever have." Simon says and I flared my nostrils in annoyance. I could tell Simon was getting annoyed as well. But I had to get this off my chest. "So the best girlfriend to you doesn't say that she loves you, or cuddles with you? Because fuck I need to get myself one of those." I say and he runs his hand through his hair.

"She does say and do them things. You just don't know her." He exclaims. "I do know her enough to say she is a spoiled brat." I say and he shook his head. "Fuck off, she actually has problems herself." He says and my eyes widened in fake shock. "Oh my god, are the problems that she can't afford another plastic surgeon to reshape her face for the 7th time?" I ask and I hear Po stifle a laugh.

"Oh just fuck off, at least I'd have a girlfriend who loves. me." Simon says and stands up. I stand up as well. "Can't you see that she is using you to boost her reputation even more?" I raise my voice and he flips me off. "She would never do such a thing!" He exclaims, but I could see in his eyes that he knows it's true.

"Then why the fuck would she call you names?" "I don't know!" Simon exclaims and I just shake my head. The room was dead silent. "Look Simon I know you love her" "Yeah I do, and then you're making these assumptions that she doesn't love me." He says and I just shake my head. "It's because she doesn't." "JUST SHUT UP!" Simon screams, and then he did something he has never done before.

He slapped me.

Everyone gasped as I held my hand up to my cheek. "Oh my god I-" "Just... Save it." I whisper as my breathing got heavier, I had to leave the room. "Oh fuck JJ calm down." Ethan says and I was about to run but Ethan grabbed hold of me. "Simon you fucked up." Tobi says as me and Ethan go upstairs and into my room. I don't know why my breathing got heavier, but my heart felt like it sunk to my stomach as his slap left a slight sting on my cheek.

"Just.. Calm down okay."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please comment, otherwise talk to you all soon. X

Love you allXxX

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